How to make standard 10 result in 2021with example and formula

How to make standard 10 result in 2021with example and formula

Subject: – Matter of preparing result as per the provision of declaring pass from mass promotion to regular students instead of Std-10 Board Public Examination-2021. Reference: – Resolution number of the education department dated 07/06/2021: Mashab / 121/6 / six. Sir, to inform the research of the above subject that due to the increase in cases of coronary infection in the state, the examination of Std. 10, Std. 12 Science stream and Std. Was planned. Considering the transition of COVID-19 on 19/09/2021, it was decided to postpone the examinations. The following decisions were announced by the State Government for the public examination of Std. 10 conducted by Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board on 16/06/2071. (1) The public examination organized by the board of standard 10 was canceled. (2) To declare Std-10 pass from mass promotion only to regular candidates registered for Std-10 board public examination. (3) For the repeater and other candidates registered for the board’s public examination of Std-10, the board’s public examination will be held as the situation of Corona becomes normal.

How to make standard 10 result in 2021with example and formula

The committee was constituted by the state government to get recommendations for the disposal of questions arising out of the decision of the state government to declare regular standard 10 candidates pass through mass promotion. In pursuance of the decision taken by the State Government to give mass promotion to the students studying in Std. 10 instead of public examination of the Board in the year 2020-21, the marks to be given to Std. 10 by the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and the provisions regarding admission in Std. Recommended report was submitted. From the reference letter, the State Government has accepted the recommendations suggested by the Committee and has directed the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Gandhinagar to take ancillary action on the basis of the recommendations. Regarding the recommendations suggested by the committee for the policy of passing regular candidates from Std-10 Mass Promotion, all the registered Secondary and Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools under your jurisdiction in which regular students of Std-10 are eligible for Mass Promotion They are asked to take action as per the attached Form-A and make necessary arrangements to complete the work accurately within the time limit.


The example for multiplication is as follows. (A) The student has converted the marks obtained from the first periodical test of Std-9 (total marks 10) to 90%. Converting the aforesaid 5 marks to 90%, i.e. 2 ° 50/100 = 2,5 = 10 marks will have to be shown. [B] The student has converted the marks obtained from the second periodical test of Std-9 (total marks 10) to 90%. For example, Vishwakarma Naresh Navneetlal has got 12 marks out of 80 marks in the first examination in Gujarati. Converting the above 15 marks to 50%, i.e. 12 * 50/100 = 2.5 = 05 marks will have to be shown. [C] The student has converted the marks obtained from the first periodical test (total marks 90) conducted online / offline through Std. A: Vishwakarma Naresh Navneetlal has got 9 marks out of 30 marks in the first examination in Gujarati. Converting the aforesaid 5 marks to 7.5%, i.e. 2 * 4.5 / 100 = 12.5 = 12 marks. [D] The student has converted the marks obtained from the unit test (Std. 10) of Std. 10 to 50%. For example: – Converting the aforesaid 15 marks to 90%, i.e. 18 * 50/100 = 09 = 08 marks will have to be shown. For example: – (2) Vishwakarma Naresh Navneetlal in Gujarati, if he got 18 marks out of Rs. 4.5 = 08 marks have to be shown.

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