Download e – EPIC (Voter ID Card) Pdf

Download e – EPIC (Voter ID Card) Pdf

Download e - EPIC (Voter ID Card)

EPIC stands for Electors Photo Identity Card also commonly known as Voter ID card)

The Election Commission of India is going to launch the Electronic Electors Photo Identity Card (e-EPIC) app from today.  With the help of this app, it is now possible to generate online Voter Id Card just like Aadhar Card.

Named in Voter List but no election card?  No need to worry about this anymore, though.  Now you can download digital version of Voter ID just like Aadhaar card.  A special facility for voters has been launched on the portal by the Central Election Commission.  e-EPIC facility is provided on  e – Voters will be able to download their digital voter ID from EPIC.  Currently this facility has been launched for newly registered voters.  Gradually all voters will be able to take advantage of this facility.  It is to be mentioned that local body elections have been announced in Gujarat at present.

Ahmedabad District Election Officer Chetan Gandhi said that the new voter list has been announced.  The new list includes 93 thousand new voters from Ahmedabad district.  These new voters will get an election card, but they can get a digital version of it.  This will also be accepted as evidence in the voting process.  Learn how to get a digital version.

Conduct awareness programs for downloading e-EPIC of newly added voters

 The e-EPIC download facility has been made available by the Election Commission of India from 25/01/2021, according to which e-EPIC downloads of newly registered voters whose mobile numbers are registered with only one voter under the abbreviated reform program 2021.  Is done.  Only newly registered voters will be able to download e-EPIC till 28/02/2021.  After 01/03/2021, all the voters whose mobile number is registered with only one voter will also be able to download e-EPIC.  Voters whose mobile number is not registered in the electoral roll will also be able to download e-EPIC by undergoing the required KYC.  Also, in a video conference held today under the chairmanship of the Chief Electoral Officer, he laid special emphasis on e-EPIC download.  e – EPIC is available for downloadable information of new voters which has been made available to the Voter Registration Officers of that Assembly constituency (your quick reference has been sent to you via email) and a list of Assembly constituency wise section number has been attached herewith.

Question And Answer About e- EPIC Card

1.Question: What is e-EPIC? 

Ans: E-EPIC is a non-edited secure portable document containing photo, security QR code, serial number etc.

2. Question: Where can I download?

Ans: You can download e-EPIC from or  Downloaded from Android users and ios users from helpline / id1456535004.

3. Question: What to do for e-EPIC in mobile?  

Ans: You have to register in the voter list after qualifying to vote.  You will also need to register your mobile number when registering.  After your name appears in the water list, they will be sent an e-mail or SMS.  Later with the help of an OTP you can download the water card to your mobile.

4. Question: I have lost my EPIC number, how do I download e-EPIC? 

Ans: You can find your name in the voter list by going to or  From which get EPIC number.  You can download e-EPIC later.

5.Question: I don’t have e-EPIC number, but I have Form-6 reference number, can I download e-EPIC?

Ans: Yes, you can use Form-6 reference number to download e-EPIC.

6. Question: What is the file format of e-EPIC?  

Ans: You can download e-EPIC in PDF.

7. Question: What will be the size of e-EPIC file?

Answer: 250 KB

8.Question: Can I print e-EPIC as an identity card at the polling station? 

Ans: Yes, you can download and print.

9. Question: What do I have to do to download e-EPIC? 

Ans: You can download e-EPIC at or or through the Voting Helpline Mobile App by following the procedure given below.

Register / Login on Voter Portal.  Click Download e-EPIC from the navigation in the menu.  Enter the EPIC number or the form reference number.  An OTP will appear on the registered mobile number, which should be verified. Click on e- EPIC.  If the mobile number is not registered in E roll, click on e – KYC for KYC.  Download e-EPIC after completing all the procedures.

10. Question: What is e-KYC?  
Answer: e-KYC is a live check with random body movement, in which a live photo of a person has to be captured and compared with the photo used in the EPIC data.

11.Question: What to do if e-KYC fails?  

Ans: If this happens then go to ERO office and submit latest photo.  Update mobile number later.

12.Question: What is required for e-KYC? 

Ans: This requires a camera or laptop / web cam or mobile phone / tablet.

13. Question: If my mobile number is not registered in Eroll, can I download e-EPIC?  

Answer: Yes.  But for this you have to do e-KYC.  Which updates the mobile number.

14.Question: The number registered in ERoll is not currently in use.  Can I update another number?

Answer: Answer: Yes.  You can do that.  This requires e-KYC.

15. Question: Can e-EPIC be downloaded on a smart phone?  

Answer: Yes.  You can do this through the Water Helpline mobile app.

16.Question: My family members are registered on the same mobile number.  How to download e-EPIC in such a situation?  

Ans: Each number has to undergo KYC for single mobile number.  The e-EPIC will be downloaded later.

Information is referenced from NEWS18GUJARATI.COM.


 The service will start in two phases

The app will be launched in two phases.  The first phase will run from today till January 31, in which this facility will be provided to 19 thousand new voters.  While the second phase will start from February 1, in which all voters will be able to take advantage of this facility.  That is, you no longer need to carry a hard copy of your Waters ID card.  You can take it back to your phone.  This will be the same as having an electronic boarding pass, which will be downloaded before air travel.

Registration can be done from mobile number

For this, it is mandatory for you to give your mobile number while registering your name in the voter list.  After registering the mobile number and name in the voter list, a message will come to your phone.  You can then download the e-EPIC app through OTP (One Time Password), register and download a new voter ID card.

Those who are already registered as voters will have to re-verify their full details for the digital card.  This process will be the same as the way KYC has to be done in the bank.  Here also you have to give your mobile number and e-mail id so that you can be informed on phone or e-mail id.

Voters will benefit from the digital facility

The biggest advantage of this card is time saving.  No need to wait any longer to receive a voter ID card.  Then there is no need to push to make a new voter card or change the old card.  You can create a digital voter ID card by downloading the Electronic Electors Photo Identity App (e-EPIC) on your phone.  This app will work even in case of loss of water ID card.  People can get a duplicate water ID card by paying a fee of only Rs.

Follow the steps below to download e-EPIC Card.

e-EPIC is a portable document format(PDF) version of the EPIC which can be downloaded on mobile or in a self-printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store the card on his/her mobile, upload it on Digi locker or print it and self-laminate it. This is in addition to PCV EPIC being issued for fresh registration.

First, open the National Voters Service Portal from any good browser.

Click on the link below to open the National Voters Service Portal.
Now you have to login / register in National Voters Service Portal to download e-EPIC Card

If you are logging in for the first time, click on “Don’t have account, Register as a new user”

Now enter the mobile number and captcha, click on send OTP.  Enter OTP.  And click on verify and enter the required details like EPIC card number, Email, Password and register.
Now login again by entering mobile number or Email, Password and Captcha.
Now click on Download e-EPIC in the new window that opens.
EPIC no.  Or Form Reference no.  and select state and Download your EPIC Card.  If your EPIC card is new you can download but if it is old you will see the following message.

“Currently e-EPIC download facility is available for the electors newly registered after November 2020 during SSR 2021 only.
For others, this facility will be available soon.”

About e -EPIC Card

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan , Ashoka Road , New Delhi
To , 
The Chief Electoral Officers of all States & UTS 
Sub : – National Voters ‘ Day ( 25th January ) 2021.reg . 
Sir / Madam , 
I am directed to state that the 11th National Voters ‘ Day shall be celebrated across the country at State , District and Booth level on 25th January 2021 . 
You are requested to steer the NVI ) celebrations with wide publicity for the technological interventions and initiatives taken by the Commission towards ensuring smooth delivery of electoral services , especially in the times of COVID pandemic . The NVD celebrations in the State , as in the past , shall have the following components in addition to any other component that the CEO and the DEO may like to incorporate : 
1. Focus on tech tools : The focus should be on popularization of new technological tools that have enabled the Commission to bring in more efficiency , widespread reach , and accountability in the conduct of free and fair elections in recent times . 
( a ) Launch of e – EPIC : The roll out of e – EPIC will be carried out on the occasion of National Voters ‘ Day 2021 to provide ease of information to voters . 0 C – EPIC will be downloadable on mobile or in a self printable form on the computer . e – EPIC will have two QR codes : one with static data of photo and demography and the second with details of serial number , part number , name of AC and address etc 
( b ) e – EPICometer , a dashboard for monitoring e – EPIC downloads will be created on the ECI / CEO websites 
( c ) Participation of National & State Icons and Partnership with other stakeholders to Spread Awareness : All ECI icons shall be posting about the innovation on social media platforms with appropriate hashtags and tagging the Commission’s official social media handles . Educational Institutions , Civil Society Organizations ctc to be involved . 
2. Comprehensive Communication Plan : Comprehensive communication campaign may be planned including electronic , digital and social media , messaging Apps , besides inter personal communication and outreach ( in small groups ) . 
i . For Campaigns , All India Radio , Doordarshan to be main vehicles combined with a good measure of FM Radio , community radio and Print Media .
ii . Social Media , digital and other new media to be used in urban and semi – urban areas . 
iii.For content development CEO and team to consider the archive of approved material compiled at the SVERP Digital Library (

iv. Outreach material developed for Special Revision , Elections be used after suitable modification showcasing masks , gloves and physical distancing.
v. CEO to take necessary steps for further inventory building on Voters ‘ Information and Awareness material , as also confidence building during the COVID pandemic .
vi. Mobile apps like Voter Helpline , PWD App , C – Vigil . Voter Turnout App and Candidate App to be widely promoted for both imparting information and provision of assistance regarding registration , location of polling station etc.
vii. One day online workshop for content creators and creative partners may be organized to orient , strategize and capture the key elements and aspects of theme of NVD 2021 .
viii. All awareness content to follow COVID – 19 guidelines & include COVID precautions . vi . vii . viii .

3. Media Engagement :
Media briefings ( following COVID precautions ) and presence of Media on NVD may be ensured for wide publicity of various interventions
i . The successful conduct of Bihar Elections during the COVID 19 pandemic may be shown as a key model . The extensive use & availability of masks , sanitizers , PPE kits etc. for ensuring all forms of safety may be highlighted .
ii. The State Icons may be engaged through recording of audio – video messages ) to spread awareness about safety measures & protocols adhered to by the Commission during elections which will help build confidence and motivate voters for participation.
iii. CEOs and DEOs may use phone – ins on Radio & Television to engage with & respond to voters .
iv . BLOs may participate in phone – ins in Community Radio to address queries at Community level
v. All forms of media i.e. print , audio – visual , outdoor advertisement , FM radio , television , SMS , c – mails , social media , cultural troupes etc. may be utilized for awareness & propagating theme .
vi. Propagation of NVD theme through various Government schemes and programs .
vii . The NVD theme & related messages in form of posters and banners should be prominently displayed in the offices of the CEO , DEO , ERO and the VFCs .
viii . A Print Advertisement shall be brought out on 25th January highlighting the theme.

4. Different Platforms :
In the COVID scenario , maximum use of Digital & Electronic media should be made for SVEEP Partnerships should be explored with all Social Media platforms , cellular , telephone and cable networks in the region to run SVEEP messages related to registration / poll day , physical distancing , sanitizationand respiratory hygiene .

5. Use of Technology :
IT tools may be suitably used for information dissemination & motivation as well as for facilitation of electors and voters . Keeping in view the present theme , following may be transmitted through 360 degree communication . The suite of 20 Apps developed by the Commission provide a perfect ecosystem to work in tandem during non – election , pre election , in – election and post – election phases as follows :

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a ) Phase 1 : Non – Election : Encompasses Voter portal , Voter Helpline App , SMS , 1950 , Political Party registration online tracking 

b ) Phase II : Pre election : EVM tracking software , ERONET 

c ) Phase III : In – election : cVIGIL , Nomination Application , Suvidha App , ENCORE 

d ) Date of Poll : Voter Turnout App 

e ) Date of Counting : Result Trends TV 

f ) Phase IV : Post Elections : Election expenditure App , Index card

6. Key Activities : All SVEEP activities must be conducted as per the guidelines / norms of Social Distancing issued by statutory authorities . 

( a ) At Booth Level : 

i . The Booth Level Officers ( BLOs ) in cach polling station area shall felicitate the newly registered voters with a badge ‘ Proud to be a Voter- Ready to voter and EPIC on NVD in a brief ceremony.NVD pledge to be taken . If possible , the event may be kept as virtual . DEO may provide the logistics required for the brief ceremony in each polling station area . 

ii . Video and other creatives to be shared extensively on print and audio – visual media . Alternatively , ECI films or other awareness films prepared by State or District on EVM / VVPAT , Registration , and inclusion can also be shown at the ceremony , in local language . 

( b ) At District HQs . 

i . The DEO shall organize the NVD function at the District headquarters / virtually , in association with Panchayat , organizations , academic institutions , civil society groups , organizations of youth volunteers like NSS , NCC , Scouts & Guides , NYKS , media etc. He shall felicitate the newly registered voters with a badge and EPIC on NVD in a brief ceremony . NVD pledge to be taken . 


ii. Awareness films on EVM VVPAT , Registration and Inclusion in local language shall be shown . 

( c ) At State HQs : 

i. Spreading awareness about c – EPIC , online facility for obtaining EPIC in a digital from and e EPIC can be downloaded from Voter helpline app after secure authentication . 

ii . CEO organizes NVD function at the State capital / virtually in association with Media , Civil Society , Volunteer Groups , State Administration , State election Commission & Corporates etc. 

iii . Awareness films on EVM VVPAT , Registration and Inclusion in local language shall be shown . 

iv . NVD pledge , State Awards , EPICs & badges to newly registered to be granted at NVD function 

v. Deployment of dedicated staff at Block , Sub – division and District levels may be done to effectively undertake NVD related activities as directed . BLOs shall be trained about their role for NVD activities by the EROS / AEROs , as directed . 1 . 

7. Targeted Interventions : i . New Electors : All new applicants will henceforth be issued an e – EPIC in addition to their normal EPIC and 4.5 million electors who updated their mobile number during the recent

ii . special summary revision of electoral rolls would receive an SMS on their registered mobile number for downloading their e – EPIC . 

ii . Existing Electors : A total of 100 million electors have unique mobile number in the cRoll data base . 

a . Those who wish to download e – EPIC will make a request through Voter Portal , NVSP or Voter Helpline App and based on that OTP authentication be able to download e EPIC after 25th January , 2021 . 

b . Those electors whose mobile number or email are not registered will need to do an e KYC following the due procedure , which will include photo matching with data base clicking a live photo . 

iii. Service voters : To popularize ETPBS , Screening Service Voter Film in Cantonment areas , Special awareness drive on Army Day ( 15th January ) can be organized . 

a . e – EPIC would be generated for service voters . 

b . A message will be sent on the mobiles of service voters who have their photo in the database on 25th January to enable them to download e – EPIC . 

c. e – EPIC also to be generated and provided to unit officer through e – mail and further distributed by him 

d . A page on service voter portal will be provided to service voters for uploading their photos and updating their mobile number and email id . 

iv . Participation of Persons with Disabilities ( PwDs ) & Senior Citizens : PwD App to be popularized , Reaching out through credible CSOs working for PwDs & different communication channels , spreading awareness on AMF & postal ballot provision for senior citizens & marked PwDs in addition to provision of c – EPIC . 

v. Participation of Overseas Voters : e – EPIC to be provided to overseas voters after verification / updation of existing database . 

vi . Youth Participation : Awareness through digital , electronic & Social media , engagement through online games and competitions at all levels . 

vii . Women Participation : Setting up of special registration desk for women electors at polling station , women centric activities and awareness about COVID measures can be taken up . 

viii. Awareness activities may be carried out with Electoral Literacy Clubs ( ELCs ) and VAFs , through online sessions.

The preparations for the NVD may be closely monitored by the office of the CEO / DEOs . All COVID protocols issued by statutory authorities must be strictly followed .

e- EPIC અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો 

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