Ghare Shikhie Mulyankan FAQ|June Ane July Mas ni Gare Shikhiye Parathi Mulyankan Mate Saval-Jawab

Ghare Shikhie Mulyankan FAQ|June Ane July Mas ni Gare Shikhiye Parathi Mulyankan Mate Saval-Jawab 

Ghare Shikhie Mulyankan FAQ|June Ane July Mas ni Gare Shikhiye Parathi Mulyankan Mate Saval-Jawab

Frequently Asked Questions Guide:
Question: – I do not understand how to do collective assessment of class 1.
Many teacher friends have had questions on this issue. Tried to explain it by the example below
Is. Then it has a total of two steps.
A: Evaluate the study outcomes of the child in all subjects.
B: Periodically evaluate all children.
Suppose there are 10 children in Std-1. Now in the month of June, out of the total study results of Std
Study conclusions are included in whole or in part. Thus in standard-1 any child can get maximum nine V mark. Now the weight of V is 3. So the maximum weightage can be 12 (2 study conclusions x 2). Now suppose the evaluation of 10 children is as follows. X
Step 1:
How to calculate student grade? Here a total of three ways are explained.
Method 1:
Proportion of weight (18) obtained from total weight (12)
If 12 is the weight, then the child is said to have got the full weight (i.e. 9).
12 * 5/12 = 1.8 which is greater than 1.2. Is counted as “M”.
Method – 2:
The same calculation can be done in another way.
If 12 weights are found, 100% performance is considered,
Guei from 18 to Eula seci ordering?
Now we have 4th grade of students. If we divide three percent
0% 33% = X
More than 5% = V
Method – 3
Total study conclusions. Here 2 * 3 = 12 Now divide it into three parts.
the s – x
16 to 18 – v
Here the student gets a total weight of 12. So it will come in y.
Thus get the grade of each student.
Step – 5
Let us now periodically evaluate the class.
Which we understand in three ways.
Method – 1
Number of students divided by student grade. (Which is in the teacher’s guide.)
In the example above
Qaielll v 3SHI aoj eue is 4.2 = 10
Study conclusions are usually for a single concept. When it comes to achieving this concept, sometimes it takes a few hours and sometimes even days. The evaluation we have to do for a month. That is to evaluate the part that has been included in that month. Like 3, a hi “q el 20 ivell ad sIH sè D.” l a aa G sedl SEIU 8 HIH happens. If you have talked about only 1 to 2 points in the first month, then meet in that way. If the child has done the work of 1 to 2 marks correctly, then this study has been concluded for this month.
Sometimes you feel that there is not a single activity for a given study conclusion. So the fourth option given in the Google form “does not apply.” Ticking.
Question 3: What is the number of children?
How many children do you learn at home? If you get back, count your total number.
Ghare Shikhie Mulyankan FAQ|June Ane July Mas ni Gare Shikhiye Parathi Mulyankan Mate Saval-Jawab 
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