Board Exam Preparation: How to prepare for the board exam

Counting days are now left for Gujarat GSEB board exam preparation. Experts say that if you want to score good marks in board exams, you should study with a definite strategy. Not only this, your question paper solving style also helps a lot in the exam hall. There are some common mistakes that most students make. If you don’t do these common mistakes then you can score better in board exam. Let’s find out what are the mistakes that need to be corrected from now on.

Marking system should be understood

Often, the biggest mistake students make while preparing for board exams is preparing without understanding the marking system. Only when you are preparing you should know what type of questions of how many marks are asked. You should prepare accordingly.

Understanding the changed curriculum

GSEB Board makes some changes in syllabus every year. In such a situation, many students do not know what kind of questions may come from which section in their syllabus this year. For this if they practice from sample papers then many things will be understood.

get scared

During the preparation itself, many students say that they still get scared of the same particular chapter, topic or questions that they have been confused about all year. This nervousness creates a different kind of panic. This also affects their performance in solving other problems. That’s why it’s important that subjects that make you nervous, either master them first or attempt them last.

Be aware of time

Thus, all students prepare by making a time table. But his greatest art is to mold time to suit himself. When you are preparing at home as well, you should know how much time you have to devote to each subject. Similarly take full care while solving the question paper in the examination hall. For example, some people spend a lot of time on a long answer like an essay etc.

Error repeating

Repetition is a form of art. Such an art that goes with a kind of strategy. Many UPSC toppers state in their strategy that they revise revision topics by making very short notes. For this he used to choose difficult subjects and prepare them by making pointers. He pasted the short notes on the board at home and read them over and over again.

Solve easy questions first

There are some subjects whose preparation is easy, but the marks are not very high. That is why students often make the mistake of not paying much attention to these subjects. At the same time, even while writing the answer, they solve these topics later. While those topics for marks should be solved first to save time and also secure marks. Experts say that one should keep evaluating themselves by solving sample papers in last minute preparation.
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