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 Hello friends NMMS Exam 2022 || National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme 2022 || NMMS Exam 2022 National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme 2022 National Means Cum Merit Scholarship for students studying in class VIII to enable bright students to complete their studies up to class 12 and reduce the drop out rate in secondary and higher secondary schools due to poor economic conditions in the state. (N.M.M.S) scheme is implemented by Ministry of Education Government of India.

National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme 2022 Student Eligibility:

 Students studying in Government Primary Schools, Local Body Schools (Zilla Panchayat/Manganagarpalika/Municipality School) and Granted Primary Schools in the current academic year will be able to take the NMMS exam.

Must have secured at least 5% marks or equivalent grade in Class-7, Private Schools (Private Schools Self Finance Schools), Kendriya Vidyalayas, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and Central/State Government Institutions providing accommodation, meals and study facilities Students of Dwas running residential schools will not be able to fill the application form in this examination.

 General Category and O.B.C. Category student should have secured at least 55% marks or equivalent grade in Dhoran-7. Scheduled Caste (S) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) student.

National Means Cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS Exam 2022) Income Limit:

Candidate’s parent’s annual income should not be more than 3,50,000/- as determined for NMMS examination. A certified copy of the annual income statement of the parent must be attached with the application form of the student. (Example of official authorized by Govt should be attached.

Exam Fee:

 General category, EWS and OBC. Examination fee for category students will be Rs.70/-
 Ph.Sc. And ST. The examination fee for category students will be Rs.550/-.
 Service charge has to be paid separately.
 Fees paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme 2022 Question Paper Type and Marks

Test Structure:
 The medium of examination will be English and Gujarati. The question paper of the medium chosen by the student will be given.
 This test is of multiple-choice form and multi-purpose form (tlile choice Question MK
 Each question will carry one mark
 There will be no negative marking in the evaluation of these tests. Blind students will be allowed 30 minutes additional time.
 Click on Aiply Now against Scholarship Scheme”- (STD-8)”.
 Clicking on Apply Now will show the Application Format. All the information requested in the Application Format has to be filled.
 The details of the student have to be filled based on the U-DISE Number.
 DISE Number of the school has to be entered for the school details. (Correct only if showing old school details)
 Now clicking on will save you. Application Number will be generated here. Which has to be hidden.
 5, 57, and M category candidates are required to upload the certificate number, date and income statement as well as a copy of the certificate in the form on the website.
 Now click on Upload Photo Signature at the top of the page. Here is your application
 Type Number and. After that click on Submit to upload.
 To upload Photo and Signature, first of all, your Photo and Signature should be in JPG format (15 kb) size in the computer. Click on Browse Button.
 Now click on the file in which your photo is stored in Png format from the screen of Choose File. And lock the button.
 Now click on upload button next to browse button, now your photo will appear next to it. Now it has to be done like this,
 Now click on Confirm Application, type your Application Number here.
 Then click on Submit and then conform the application
 By clicking on Confirm, the application will be accepted online
 Now click on irint Applications & Fe Challan. Here type your conlrmation lamber and do it in your siriate TV, then click submit.
 Take a printout of your application form from here
 Then through online payment gateway DT CARDAM ANE BANKING WALE Mr. can pay the exam fee.
NMMS Exam Notification 2022 CLICK HERE

Useful For You:  Students Scholarship Digital Gujarat

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