Art Festival 2020 (Online)|Kala Utsav 2020/21 Paripatra

Art Festival 2020 (Online)|Kala Utsav 2020/21 Paripatra

Art Festival 2020 (Online)|Kala Utsav 2020/21 Paripatra

 The main focus of Kala Utsav 2020 will be folk, traditional and classical art forms of any style.  Students from any government, government grant-in-aid and private (non-granted) school from Std. 9 to 12 will be able to participate in Kala Utsav 2020.  The various forms mentioned below are included in these contests.  Considering the current state of the epidemic of Covid 19 and the social distance, it has been decided to hold this competition in “online mode only”.  The following art forms (categories) are included in Art Festival 2020.

 Areas of Art Festival:

 (1) Vocal Music Classical

 (2) Vocal Music Traditional

 (3) Instrumental Music Classical

 (4) Instrumental Music Traditional

 (5) Dance Classical

 (6) Dance (folk dance)

 (7) Visual Arts (Dimensional)

 (8) Visual Arts (three dimensional)

 (9) Desi (local) toys and games

Planning phase of Kala Utsav 2020:

 (1) Phase I – District Level Competition (Children / Competitors registered for District Level Competition)

 (2) Phase II – Zone Level Competition (District Level Competition Winner / Contestant)

 (3) Phase III – State Level Competition (Zone Level Competition Winner / Contestant) The State Level Competitor / School will be participating as per the plan to participate in the National Level Art Festival.  If the art festival is to be held through online mode this year, the implementation of the art festival program will be as follows.

Program Implementation: (Microsoft Team)

  Online program will be organized by MS team at district, zonal and state level.  The link to join the program will be sent by the entire Shiksha one day in advance.  The Authority in charge will ensure the dissemination of the link and the work to be done by all the participants.  To immediately inform all the secondary and higher secondary government schools, grant aided and non-granted schools of the state through DEO in all the above competitions.  In addition, the teacher will be able to contact the children / parents by phone to encourage them to participate in the above event among their school children.  To help in this regard by also contacting BRC / CRC / BRP in rural schools.  Education Inspector 2 (EI) will be the nodal officer for district and zonal level competition, DEO office and AD District Project Coordinator – Quality Education and Monitoring will be the sub nodal officer.  The smooth running of the entire competition will be the committee mentioned below.

District level competition:

 The members of the competition committee at district / zone level will be as follows.

 District Education Officer (Convener)

 District Primary Education Officer Shri

 Principal, Diet

 The District Sports Officer will have the following expert / jury for district, zone and state level competition.


  Vocal Music Classical (2) Having 3 specialists for Vocal Music Traditional.  1 of which to keep from an expert diet

 To have 3 specialists for Instrumental Music Classical and Instrumental Music Traditional.  1 of which to keep from an expert diet

 Let us have 3 experts for Dance Classical and Dance (Folk Dance).  1 of which to keep from an expert diet.

 To have 3 specialists in Visual Arts (2D) and Visual Arts (3D).  In which to keep 1 expert drawing, 1 painting and 1 expert print, out of which 1 expert to keep from diet.

 Keep 3 experts for local toy and games.  1 of which to keep from an expert diet.

All the district level competitions should be completed by 18th to 22nd December, 2020 and the result should be sent to the entire Shiksha, Sector-17, Gandhinagar by e-mail and to the District Education Officer of the concerned zone by 24/12/2020.  As well as the entire Shiksha Abhiyan office will have to send the overall sheet of the competition accounts.  By keeping the original file at the district level, which will have to be audited at that time.  To get the entry date for all the district level competitions from all the blocks of the district for all the categories according to one boy and one girl by December 14, 2020.

Form of Competition 

(1) District and Zonal Level Competition: At the district level in the state, competition is organized by the District Education Officer in one to nine areas mentioned above.

 The above nine competitions will be organized at the district level and one of the nine works will have to be selected.

 There must be 3 judges per competition of all the departments organized at the district level.

 The first selected winners from the boys and girls categories per district level competition should participate in the zonal level competition and send the list to the zonal level and also to the state.

 For all the district level competitions, the entrants who have entered by December 14, 2020 should be asked to send the pre-record of their performance through BRC / CRC and school by December 16 to the district level.

 The following OICOs of the district should check the validity of the pre-recorded performances of all the contestants by December 16 on the basis of the singing of the art festival.  If a child / competitor does not have a smart phone or other facility available, the school principal / teacher or the primary school principal / teacher near the child / competitor’s residence or the BRC / CRC Co.O.  To help  To work with the technical cooperation of District MIS and Block MIS for verification of entry at all levels and other technical cooperation.


 The district level competition should be organized by the district level from 18/12/2020 to 22/12/2020. In which 2 competitions can be organized in 1 day if possible. Or it can also be organized in two sessions for different events.  Arrangement of consultation of committee members in consultation.

 The list of 1 boy and 1 girl contestant who have won in the district level competition has to be sent to the district of the zonal level and its information which has to be reported to that contestant through BRC / CRC and school till 24/12/2020.

✔️પરિપત્ર ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો

 Zone level competitions are to be held in the zone from 30/12/2020 to 2/1/2021.  Which will be in live online mode.  At the zonal level each division is required to have at least 3 judges per competition.  According to which all these judges have been selected and the report has to be sent to the state level by 28/12/2020.

 The zonal level convener will be able to get cooperation from the office of the co-convener district education officer for the zonal level competition if required.

 The zone level convener has to select the venue for the zone level competition and report here by 28/12/2020.

 The list of 1 boy and 1 girl contestant who have completed all the zone level competitions on the dates indicated for the zonal level competition should be sent to the state level and the district of the planned place of the state level on 2/1/2021.  Certificates and cash prizes will be given to the winning children at district, zone and state level.  For the competition of Kala Utsav 2020, the District Education Officer should plan in advance in the district and guide and decide the best work in the works organized in the district as decided by the experts in that field.

The District Education Officer and the District Project Coordinator and the District Primary Education Officer should take personal interest and take action to encourage the students to be selected at the district level and to be enthusiastic to participate up to the state level.  .  In order for schools to participate in Kala Utsav 2020, all government, grant aided in secondary and higher secondary schools in the district will have to inform RMSA schools, model schools and model day schools by circular from your level.

 District level competitions will be pre-recorded.  While zone level and state level competitions and live will be in live online mode. Take special note of this.

 State Level Competition:

 The state level competition is likely to be held from 8/1/2021 to 12/1/2021 for the first selected winners from the boys and girls categories in nine sections from the zone level.  Pursuant to which the place will be informed from here.


 The list of 1 boy and 1 girl contestant who have won in the zonal level competition should be sent by the state level planned district and state level by 2/1/2021.  And which must be reported to the contestant through BRC / CRC and the school.

 Note: All the above mentioned district level, zone level and state level competitions have been decided to be done through online mode in which the competitors of the district level competition have to send the recorded event for their competition through Android phone / smart phone, tablet, laptop etc. within the stipulated time limit.  .

 To select one boy and one girl from each event by verifying the recorded event received at the district level by the expert / jury decided on the day of the district level competition.

 Zone level and state level competition will be held through online mode / virtual.  For this, a link will be sent to all the winners / contestants who have won at the zone level on the day of the competition and the contestant will join the link and present his / her performance.  

National Level Competition: 

This competition is likely to be held in Delhi from 15th January 2021.

Art Festival 2020 (Online)|Kala Utsav 2020/21 Paripatra

General instructions:

 Participants are expected to complete their artwork at the venue within a specified time frame.  Previously created artwork is not allowed.  The visual arts competition will give them time of day to complete their work and artwork.

  Participants will be free to use any medium / material of their choice.

 Participants must be available for online interaction with the jury.  The jury will continue to monitor the participants online and communicate with them.  Visual Art Work-2D Visual Art Work-3D and the size of the native toy can be taken as per individual requirement.

 In desi toys the participant is expected to focus on the functional accuracy and original design of the toy or game.  Toy making (1) Agricultural tools and equipment (2) Characters of the Panchatantra (story), Jatak Katha – stories, folk tales that help to increase moral values.

 The material used must be the same as the reproduction of the original toy.  If materials originally used in the toy are not available or prohibited, participants will be able to use locally available ecofriendly materials.  Request the nodal officer to start recording the entire production process with them and make available to the jury or organizers as needed.

Art Festival 2020 (Online)|Kala Utsav 2020/21 Paripatra

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