Best Computer Information Pdf In Gujarati For All Exam

 Best Computer Information Pdf In Gujarati For All Exam

Best Computer Information Pdf In Gujarati For All Exam

The word computer is formed above the word compute.  Which is a Latin word.  The word To Compute means to compute.  Computer means calculator or human.  (History) History In ancient times man calculated by stone or something else.  Is.  The first calculation was made by Abacus in China in the East 300.  In which multiplication, division, addition, subtraction could be done.  Then many years later in AD.  In 1617, John Scott, a Scottish mathematician, made a machine for multiplication, division, addition and subtraction using two bars.  This machine is called Nappier Bonus because of the bones used in it.  The numbers 0 to 9 were used in these nappier bones.  Is.  The slider was created in 1920 by William O’Dwyer, inspired by Nappier Bones.  Which was also used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.  Is.  In 1642, Blaise Pascal, a French scientist, invented a mechanical device called the Pascaline, the world’s first mechanical calculator, to help his father, a tax officer, with his calculations.  Is.  The first defense engine was built in 1822 by Charles Babbage, a London scientist who was a mathematician at Cape University, in 1822.  Then E.S.  In 1833 this engine was improved and invented the Analytic Enginee.  In this Analytic Engine, output was obtained after all the processes like Input out, Process and Output.  Thus, Analytic Engine became the world’s first mechanical commuter based on today’s computer-like process, thus, Charles Babbage is known as the father of the commuter world.  Agusta Ada who was a student of Charles Babbage.  They created a program in this Analytic Engine using a punchcard, making Augusta Ada the first computer programmer in the computer world.  Agusta Ada is also considered to be the inventor of the binary digit (0, 1).  French àsults – Gottfried Leibniz

Hermann Hobarin: An American scientist used a punchcard in an electro-mechanic tabulation machine to travel to the USA.  A population of about 60 million was enumerated.  A company was then formed to collect the census data.  The company was named International Business Machine.  Which became known as IBM for short.  Generations of commuters (1) First Generation: (First Generation)  1942-1955 Vacuum tube used.  About 20,000 vacuum tubes were used.  130 KW of electricity was required to start this machine.  Were heavier in weight producing more heat.  Cooling Fan required for cooling.  Punchcard as Input Punchcard Machine Language and Assembly Language were used as Output.  Inventor: John Mochli and Ocart Computer Name: 1. ENIAC (Electronic Numerial Integrator and Computer) 2. UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) (2) Gily użl: (Second Generation): 8.2.  1955-1964  The transistor was invented in 1948 by William Sokley.  Which was used in second generation commuters.  Features: Small in size.  A few were quick, low in price.  Used less power.  Magnetic disks were used as collectors.  Languages ​​like Fortrun, COBOL continued to be used.  (3) pily ua: (Third Generation): 1965-1974 Integrated Circuit (IC) invented by Jack Calby.  Thus IC was used in third generation computers.  IC uses silicone.  Features: Fast, cheap in price, light in weight and used less electricity.  Were using Time Sharing Operating system.  Thus, the implementation of Operating System started from this generation.  High Level Language started to be used.  .  Ex: IBM 160, IBM 370 …
(4) Fourth Generation 1975 – Until now LSI (Large Scale Integration) 244 VLSI (Very Large scale Integration) has been used.  Which is called Micro Processor.  Features: Very small in size, fast, very low power consumption.  Multi Processing OS BLY GUI (Graphical User Interface) il started to be used.  High Level Languages ​​like C, C ++, Java were used.  Micro commuters, laptops, etc. were introduced.  (5) Fifth Generation: At present ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) B4 Al (Artificial Intelligence) is used.  Very fast and has intelligence (artificial).  E.g.  Modern Robert 1 like Sofiya.  2.  Types of size based commuters 442 Slavy 22 – Super Computer Main Frame Computer – Main Frame Computer Mini Commuter – Mini Computer Micro Commuter – Micro Computer Contum Commuter – Quantom Computer 3, 4.  5.  1. Super Computer: Super Computer is used to do very fast and Complex calculations.  There are more in size and price.  The first supercomputer Param-8000 was built by C-DAC in 1991.  41ROLLE BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center) GRL1144 was created.  The world’s first super computer is K-Is.  It was built in 1976 in the USA.  te wet (2) Main Frame Railway Reservation, Income Tax Department Hi RALA HILL size computers are used.  (3) Mini Computer is used as a fast server in large companies.  (4) Micro Computer ELCHL 21444 424i is a Real PC, Laptop, PDA, Smart Phone etc. Micro Computer.  The speed of a microcomputer is measured in MIPS (Million of Instruction Per Second).
1.  Type of Computer Analog Computer: A computer that works on the basis of statistics, vibrations, etc. is called Analog Computer.  E.g.  Seismograph, speedometer 2.  Digital Computer: This computer only works on binary numbers.  E.g.  Currently used PC, Laptop 3.  Hybrid Computer: This computer uses both Analog and Digital.  9.  E.g.  ECG Machine, Digital Weighing Forks, Digital Speedometer].  Characteristics of a commuter 1. A commuter mainly has the following characteristics which are not normally possessed by human beings, 1) speed) 2) accuracy 3) storage capacity 4) uniformity 5) diversity limitations: not emotional.  Can’t think  Wrong O / P to do wrong Data Center  Data: Mostly useless statistics, numbers are called data.  50.100 Information: The result obtained after processing the data is called Information.  50 Mark, 100 Boys Computer Architecture: In 1946, von Neumann invented the commuter architect.  1.  CPU ALU – Arithmetic & Logical Unit – uleds sl 5291 CU – Control Unit – Computer 4 CuloNej 14444 sza Register – CPU Memory.
1.  1.  2.  3.  Input Devices Keyboard: There are usually 104 keys.  Alphabetic Key (AB, …. Z) Number Key (0, 1, …. 9) Symbol Key (#. *%, + .., Special Key (Esc, Enter, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, Shift)  ) Function Key (F1, F2, F3, …. F12) Tab – 5 Esc to leave space bar – Delete to stop any process Delete – Erase the numbers on the right side of the cursor Backspace – Erases the numbers on the left side of the cursor 4. 5. 2. Mouse:  Pointing Device 9. Moving the cursor from one place to another. Double click – File Folder al qud sells sertl File / Folder opens. Triple Clicky File / Folder / Rename 149. Drag and Drop – Move File or Folder from one place to another.  The action of moving is called Drag and Drop. The setting of the mouse can be changed through the Control Panel. Optical Mouse siell L Mouse 19. 3. Scanner: To convert Photograph to Digital Form 4. JoyStick: Used for Gaming 5. Light Pen: Digital  Signing 6. OCR: Optical Character Recognition 7. OMR: Optical Mark Recognition 8. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 9. Used for Web Cam: Video Chat.

Memory: There are two main types 1. Primary 2. Primary 2. Secondary Primary Memory is the most important memory.  Which includes RAM and ROM.  RAM: There are two types of random access memory.  1. DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) 2. SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) RAM is temporary memory.  ROM: Read Only Memory This memory is a permanent memory.  There are mainly three types.  PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM – Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Cache Memory: Data exchange between main memory and CPU is done through this memory.  Secondary Memory Magnetic Tape was first used as secondary memory.  E.g.  Old Time Audio Cassette S101 Magnetic Disk: Hard Disk – 10 MB to 65 TB Floppy Disk – 1.44 MB Memory Portable Hard Disk Optical Disk – CD, DVD, Blue Ray CD – Compact Disk – 650 MB 34 – line Art DVD – Digital Versatile Disc  – 4.5 GB 4-1 Memory CD – R, CD – RW, CD – ROM, DVD – R, DVD – RW CD – Write is done by the process of burning data by coating ARHIBU oxide.  Blue Ray Disk – 25 GB to 50 GB – Memory Holographic Data Storage – Maximum storage capacity up to 4TB CD> DVD> Blue Ray> Holographic Storage Flash Memory: Pendrive, Micro SD alui sisui quad Memory is called Flash Memory.


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