Std 9 to 12 first exam time table 2020 for Valsad District| Class 9th to 12th first term exam schedule online/ Offline test

Std 9 to 12 first exam time table 2020 for Valsad District| Class 9th to 12th first term exam schedule online/ Offline test 

 Matter of organizing the first periodical examination through online / offline medium under online education for students of Std-9 to 12.

 Due to the global epidemic COVID-19, schools are closed and students are getting education from the approach of “Home Learning”.  Education is being imparted through various mediums as well as in our Valsad district under “Koshish Abhiyan”. In this regard, it is necessary to evaluate how much the students have been able to acquire. In this regard, from 26/10/2020 to 04/11/2020 by the office here.  Examination is organized.

The instructions for this first periodical examination are as follows.

The syllabus for the first periodical examination will be from June to 15th October.

Marks weighting will be given importance as per the syllabus decided by the board for the first periodical examination.

All questions in the examination will be MCQ type.

The question papers for the examination will be given in Gujarati and English medium.  

The total marks of std 9 std 11 score will be 50.  

The total marks of Std-10 and Std-12 question papers will be 100.  

The question papers for this exam will be sent by mail one hour before the start of the exam.  

As well as the examination will be taken as per the prescribed schedule.  

This exam will be taken through the link through online. 

If a student is unable to take the exam online, the school will have to send a hardcopy to that student.


This examination should be organized as per the compulsory requirement of all the students of the school.  

The result of the school will be sent on the school e-mail.  

The school will have to make a separate file of the marks of this examination and save it in the school record.  

Arrangements will have to be made at the school level for the examination of subjects which are not in the schedule.  

The schedule for the exam is included with this.

Std 9 to 12 Exam Time Table is below image

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