Badli na Nava Niyamo ma Ferfar Babat Paripatra 26-10-2020 | primary teachers Transfer rule Changing Letter|Shikshak Badli Matena Upayogi Tharav na Paripatro


Badli na Nava Niyamo ma Ferfar Babat Paripatra 26-10-2020 | primary teachers Transfer rule Changing Letter|Shikshak Badli Matena Upayogi Tharav na Paripatro


The rules of transfer of Upper Primary Teacher / Legislative Assistant, Primary Teacher / Legislative Assistant have been published by the resolution under reference (1) dated 23/5/2012 of this section.  Subsequent amendments to the resolutions under reference (2) to (12) have been published.  From the letter under reference (13) of the General Administration Department dated 27/8/2018 to make provision for the same benefits to the non-transferable employees of the Gujarat Public Service Commission of the provisions made under the reference (8) dated 27/4/2016 of this department.  This section was received.  Subsequently, the Director, Office of Primary Education, from the letter dated 09/07/2020 with reference (14) to make necessary amendments in Chapter (b) (4) of the resolution dated 18/2/2014 of this section and single file under reference (15).  With the note dated 08/09/2020, it has been proposed to make necessary amendments in the resolution dated 23/05/2012 of this section.  Considering the report received through the General Administration Department and the above mentioned report made by the Director, Primary Education as well as various ancillary issues under consideration, with reference to this department dated 23/5/2012 with reference (1), with reference to 18/2/2014 (4).  The matter was to be considered in the resolution under (8) as well as in the resolution under reference (8) dated 27/4/2016.


Update Resolution:

 Considering all the above matters, at the end of the adult deliberation of Sakka Shri, the following amendments are published in the resolutions dated 23/5/2012, 18/2/2014 as well as 27/4/2016 of this section.

 Resolution provision date and brief details

 Chapter-D Paragraph No. (16) of Resolution dated 27/4/16

  Existing provision

  The spouse of a non-transferable employee / officer of the Secretariat cadre who is working as a primary teacher will be transferred to the Gandhinagar district by the District Director, Primary Education.  This benefit will be given to the teacher only once after the implementation of the resolution / orders.

Revised provision in place of existing provision

 (A) Secretariat Services of Gujarat Government, Gujarat Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Gujarat Public Service Commission and Name.  Employees / Officers who have been appointed and are currently on duty as per the approved allowance system in the services of Gujarat High Court who have completed 3 (three) consecutive years of service in the concerned office and their spouse, District / Nagar Education Committee primary school teacher /  The net vacancy available in the district of the non-transferable place of duty of the teacher / teaching assistant of his / her spouse can be changed keeping in view the available vacancies in the same district.

  (B) The posts of the Head of Department at Gandhinagar which exist only at Gandhinagar and the services of the officer working in that post are not transferable in any other state except Gandhinagar as well as those who are not transferable in any other state except Gandhinagar.  Even if they are satisfied, they can be replaced considering the net vacancy available in the district of the place of their non-replaceable fee.  That is, in Gandhinagar, the husband / wife of the officer who is only 5 years old is transferred to Gandhinagar district and the name.  Spouse of officer / employee performing duty at Gujarat High Court can be transferred to Ahmedabad district.  In the above case, the certificate of the prescribed specimen given in the attached appendix by the officer in charge of the establishment of the concerned administrative department, not descending from Class-I, shall be adduced as proof.  While in the case of services of the name Gujarat High Court, the certificate as per the sample of the appendix of the sub-judge of Gujarat High Court will have to be submitted as evidence.  In any of the cases mentioned in this page, the place of duty during the deputation of the concerned officer / employee will not have to be taken into consideration.  In all such cases, the spouse will have to submit the marriage certificate issued by the Registrar regarding his / her marriage registration.  In all such cases, the Director, Primary Education will have the power to make the necessary changes.  Such reshuffle will be treated as a district reshuffle and this benefit will be available only once during the entire service.  The vacancies to be filled by the type of transfer mentioned in this section will not be filled during the academic year which will not be more than 50% of the total vacancies in that district.  For these vacancies, it will be necessary to take into account the situation after the final set-up of that academic year.  However, the person appointed in accordance with the condition No. 2 of the resolution No. PRE / 112014/66476 / K dated 23/09/2014 of this department


 “Candidates wishing to be appointed to these posts will have to perform their duties for ten years in the taluka in which they are appointed by the District Education Committee. This condition shall be clearly mentioned in the appointment order announcing the recruitment of education assistants.”  The benefit of the provision as per sub-section will not be available to the teaching assistant / teacher who has been appointed as a teacher for 10 years of employment.

 Resolution provision date and brief details

 Rule 4 of Chapter (b) of the Resolution dated 18/2/2014

 Existing provision

 Teachers who do not have the qualification of upper primary in Std. 6th to 8th are working in upper primary and in the same circumstances, they are killed in the same school and come in the last rank as a consecutive unit of Std. 1 to 8.  Primary department teachers will have to be replaced.

 Revised provision in place of existing provision

 For the purpose of transfer, the seniority (priority) of Std. 1 to 5 (Lower Primary) and Std. 6 to 8 (Upper Primary) will be maintained separately.  In Std. 1 to 5 and Std. 6 to 8 in the section i.e. lower primary / upper primary section

  The last ranked teacher of the department will have to be transferred to another school.

 At the time of transfer, the qualified teacher of Std. 1 to 5 will have to be placed in the vacancy of Std. 1 to 5.

 For Std. 6th to 8th, the subject of which the teacher is being killed should be placed in the school where there is a vacancy.


 Educational assistant / teacher with qualification of standard 1 to 5 should not be placed in standard 6 to 8 or legislative assistant / teacher with qualification of standard 6 to 8 should not be placed in standard 1 to 5.

 The following matters should be taken into consideration while transferring the child and on the occasion of including the teacher / education assistant in the school accordingly.

 The teacher / educator from the department i.e. primary or upper primary department will have to include the teacher / legislator in their respective department / subject in the school where there is a vacancy corresponding to the department / subject of the teacher / educator.

  Teachers / teaching assistants who have been killed from the school will have to first fill up the vacancies of the department / subject in another school of their paid school.

 Step 2 If there is no vacancy available in the center of the taluka and if there is no vacancy in the taluka then in the taluka close to that taluka of the district otherwise any other taluka of that district which will be included in the schools with vacancy of that department / subject.

 Even after all the vacancies in Std. 1 to 5 districts have been filled, if there is a shortage of Std. 1 to 5 teachers in the district, they will have to be placed in the vacancies of Std. 6 to 8 as increment teachers.  But they will have to be called more teachers in the next massacre camp.  He will not be able to claim to be in the upper primary department forever.

 If there is a vacancy of Std. 6 to 8 in their original school at the time of inclusion in this way, otherwise it will be included in the salary center of that school, in that taluka or in another taluka.

 Closing of Std. 6 class in schools which have less than 20 students in Std. 6 from Std. 1 to 6 and successive classes of Std. 7 and 8 in schools having more than 20 students in Std. 6.  There will be 2.

 Out of the schools which are running Std. 1 to 7, the schools which have less than 20 students in Std. 6 and 7 will have to close Std. 6 and 7 classes.  And in the schools which have more than 20 students in Std. 6 and 7, a standard class of Std. 8 will be started.


Resolution provision date and brief details

 In the resolution dated 23/5/2012, Chapter-Z changed the school merging


Existing provision

 New provision

 Revised provision in place of existing provision

 “Chapter- (h) Changes to be made after school merger:

  In case of low number of students in district / town education consent or any other reason, when one school / class is merged with another school, the establishment will be re-calculated after adding the number of students of the merged school to the school to which the students are sent.  Establishment of standard 6 to 8 will have to be fixed.  Considering the date of admission in the respective school, a common seniority list of teachers of both the schools will be prepared.  That is, if there are a total of 8 teachers in both the schools of Std. 1 to 5, to make a list of common seniority of that teacher on the basis of the date of admission in the school.  Similarly, keeping in view the subject of teachers of both the schools of Std. 6 to 8, a common seniority list should be made on the basis of the date of admission in the school.  Thus, if the establishment is being run according to the number of teachers available in both the different departments, then the teachers of the merging school should be kept in the same school in which the merged school is located but  The teacher will have to change the number of times.  If the date of enrollment in the school is the same then the date of enrollment in the account and if it is also the same then the date of birth should be taken into consideration and the seniority should be calculated.  In this way, the number of teachers will have to be changed according to the rules of change.  If it is not possible to increase the number of districts, it will have to inform the Director.  ”

 2. The Director, Primary Education shall bring to the notice of all the concerned offices / officers the provisions of this amendment resolution and shall give necessary administrative instructions for its functioning.

 3. The aforesaid amendment provisions shall be numbered as read: Resolutions under (1) to (12) and other existing provisions published by the amendment resolutions shall remain unchanged.

 4. This Amendment Resolution is issued in accordance with the sub-number file of this section dated 25/9/2020 and the note dated 19/10/2020 subject to the approval received by the Government.

 By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name,

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