Unit Test Mark Entry New Guide| How To Upload Unit Test Marks|How To Use SaralData App Full Details

Unit Test Mark Entry New Guide| How To Upload Unit Test Marks|How To Use SaralData App Full Details

Std 1 To 8 Unit Test(Ekam Kasoti) Marks Online Entry Application, Video And Margdarshika(Guide), Std 1 To 8 PAT(Periodical Assessment Test) Online Marks Entry On SaralData Application totally full guidelines Video, Pdf Download

The following districts have been selected for online entry of the unit test.

1. Anand

2. Banaskantha

3. Junagadh

4. Navsari

5. Kheda

6. Aravalli

7. Mehsana

8. Patan

9. Chhota Udepur

10. Valsad

11. Bhavnagar

12. Porbandar

Only schools in selected districts can log in. Schools in other districts will not be able to log in. A presentation for guidance on the entire process for online entry of Marks of Unit Test is sent herewith. The given presentation includes a scanning application and a link to a guide video.

If you have downloaded the old SaralData application in your mobile then you have to uninstall it and re-install the application from the link given below.


You Tube Video About SaralData Application


 Unit test

 Marks Scanning / Entry Guide

 Samagra Shiksha,  Gandhinagar

 Command and Control Center for Schools, Sector 19,

 Hello, an innovative medium has been implemented for the entry of unit test marks from the year 2020/21. Entry of unit test marks is to be done by scanning the table given in the unit test booklet through mobile application. Here is a detailed guide on the application and its use.

 Scanning process

(1) Unit Test Book

(2) Scanning table

(3) Saral Data application

 The first unit after checking the test in the test booklet is to fill in the details of the student in the table given in the booklet.

 Student unique id in unit test book

 Write the last seven (7) digits of the unique student ID of 18 marks in the box at the top of the table given in the unit test book.

 Question order and marks section

Students will have to knock with a black pen or pencil in the circle of marks according to the marks obtained.

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 Attention indicator matters

 Use HB (dark) pencil or black / blue pen to draw a circle.

 Do not leave a circle blank and do not knock more than one circle in the same question.

 To display only the last seven digits of the unique ID number in the student’s unique ID column.

 Each digit must be written in English. Gujarati numerals will not be scanned.

 After noting the full details you will have to scan the table shown in the next slide from the mentioned “SaralData” application so that the marks of the student unit test will be recorded in this application.

Application Process

 Download To SaralData app click here

Unit Test Mark Entry New Guide| How To Upload Unit Test Marks|How To Use SaralData App Full Details

Download the SaralData app from the “Google Play Store”.

Login to the “SaralData” app using the username and password you used in “Online Attendance”.

 After logging in to Simple Data app, scan, edit where necessary and then press submit data.

 Download application


 First download the “SaralData” application from the google play store and open it on your mobile.

 Welcome screen


 After opening the “SaralData” application, you will see the screen as per the photo given next to your mobile. Click on the “proceed” button at the bottom.

 Login process


 Login here using the “online attendance” username and password that your school students and teachers need to attend.

 first time login screen


 After logging in to the application, you will see your school name and DISE Code at the top of the screen. Click on the “plus (+)” sign to continue the scan process.

 Standard and class selection

STEP – 5

 In this screen, you have to select the class, section, test date of the student whose data you want to scan, then click on the “Next” button.

 Data scanning process

STEP – 6

 In this dialog box, the next screen shows the student whose class, section and test date you selected.


 The scan status shows the number of students in the selected standard and the number of students whose data is scanned in the saved status. Click on the “Scan the Marksheet” button to scan the table with the details given in the unit test.

 Scanning angle


When scanning the table in the booklet, keep your mobile horizontal (parallel to the landscape) and parallel to the top of the page so that marks can be easily scanned.

Unit Test Mark Entry New Guide| How To Upload Unit Test Marks|How To Use SaralData App Full Details

 unique id correction

STEP – 8

 This type of dialog box will appear on your mobile screen with the student ID after the data is scanned. If the student’s student ID is not scanned properly, it will show “Please correct the student id” which you have to manually correct by clicking on the “Next” button.

 Duplicate unique id

STEP – 9

 In some cases where the last seven digits of the student’s unique ID are the same you will see the message seen in the side photo.

 Then you have to select the “Unique ID” of the student whose marks are being scanned from the dropdown.

Unit Test Mark Entry New Guide| How To Upload Unit Test Marks|How To Use SaralData App Full Details

 Details of scanned marks


 After clicking on the “Next” button, you will see the screen in the side photo in your mobile. In which the name of the student, the details of the last seven digits of the student ID will be seen. The student will see the details of the marks obtained during the question time. If you find an error in it, you can correct it. Then click on the “Summary” button.

 Details of marks obtained by students


 After clicking on “Summary” the student will see the details of the total marks and the marks obtained. Once confirmed, click on the “Submit” button.

 Number and status of students scanned

STEP – 12

 After scanning the marks of the students, according to the dialog box seen in the side photo, “Scan Status” will show the number of students scanned out of the total number of students. “Scan Status” will show the number of students saved after scanning.


 Continuous data scanning and homepage

 Step – 13

 Click on the “Back” or “Back to Dashboard” button to go to the “Home” of the app during the process of scanning the marks of the students. Click.

 All the above procedures have to be done sequentially and the marks of all the students have to be scanned.

 To save scanned data


 You will be able to save the scanned data by clicking on “Save All Scan” in case you have to pause or logout at any stage during the scanning process. The same screen will appear when you login again. Clicking on “Scan Status” will see a list of canned and saved students. Click on Continue “Scan” to scan the marks of the remaining students.

 To view details of saved students

STEP – 15

 Clicking on “Scan Status” will show the names and unique IDs of all the students who have been scanned according to the screen next to them.

 Data scanning status

STEP – 16

 This type of dialog box will appear on your mobile screen after the scanning of all the students of the selected standard is completed. Completed will appear in front of Scan Status. Click on the Go back to Dashboard button, where you will see the screen as shown in the next slide.

 Incoming message while saving data

STEP – 17

Clicking on the Save All Scan button, you will see the following message.

 Here you have to press the ok button.

 According to this message, your data will be successfully saved in the server.

How to Use PAT Scanning Application Video

Click Here

Complete information on how to use the SaralData application

Click Here

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