Police Bharati 2020|7610 enrollment declarations in the state police division, discover where the enlistment will happen?

Police Bharati 2020|7610 enrollment declarations in the state police division, discover where the enlistment will happen?

Police Bharati 2020

A joint proposal for a total of 10447 posts of various cadres to strengthen the state police force was made under the new service – 2020-21 with a joint proposal from the Director General of Police and the Chief Police Officer against the order (1) read above.  A total of 172 new posts of various cadres to increase the number of posts of Satu Dog Squad to facilitate the operation of every Commissionerate / District Unit and Railway Police under the Department of Police at the time of WIP settlement and to prevent the occurrence of raids, bank robberies, NDPs and Prohibition offenses.  The proposal for sanction under 2020/21 was made by a letter from the Director General of Police and the Chief Police Officer against the order (2) read above.  A provision of Rs.115.1022 / – crore has been made in the budget for the year 2020/21.  As part of the remediation of the situation in the state caused by the Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19)
 In the review meeting, a deduction of Rs.500 / – crore was suggested from the total provision of the budget of the Home Department for the financial year 2020/21.  It is stated that there is administrative sanction for the provision of Rs. 15.10 / – crore by deducting Rs. 100 / – crore.  Pursuant to which, for the proposals in the form attached herewith, a total of 7610 posts of various cadres as mentioned below are to be sanctioned under the new service – 2020/21 against the order (3) read above by the Director General of Police and the Chief Police Officer.
 After careful consideration of the above joint proposal, to strengthen the police force of the State, a total of 7610 posts of various cadres should be created and continued till 29/02/21 for the purpose as shown in the accompanying form and a total of Rs. 15.10 / – crore.  (Rupees fifteen crore one lakh in full) is the administrative sanction given.

 1.  This administrative sanction is subject to the following conditions.  Expenditure incurred under this approval shall be subject to the budgetary provision of that year and within the limits of the grant allotted from time to time by the Finance Department.
 Adequate budgetary provision has to be made for the present work in the current and next financial year subject to the existing rules.
  3. The expenditure in this regard shall be borne by the State Government as well as from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the resolutions / circulars and rules prescribed.
 4. The principles of financial fairness shall apply to the costs incurred in making this approval.
 5. Grants allocated under this approval may not be used for any other purpose.  The savings order must be surrendered by the end of the year.
 6. The conditions prescribed under the scheme must be strictly followed.
 7. Class 1 and Class-2 vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the prescribed ratio as per the provisions of the recruitment rules.
 8. Class-3 vacancies as per the provisions of recruitment rules, if they are due to promotion and if they are directly due to recruitment, fixes made by the resolution of Finance Department dated 16/2/2006 and General Administration Department dated 4/6/2009.  The salary policy and the provisions of the amendments made from time to time have to be paid.
 9. The pay scales of those posts are ROP.  – It will have to be confirmed whether it is as per 2009.
 10. Candidates appointed through direct recruitment will have to be covered under the new enhanced pension scheme introduced by the State Government from 14/2005 as per the provisions of the resolution dated 18/3/2005 of the Finance Department after receiving regular appointment.
 11. The department will have to ensure that the standard of reserves is maintained as per the rules while filling these vacancies.
 12. Recruitment for these posts should be done by following the existing recruitment rules and prescribed recruitment system of the government.
 13. Candidate should have passed the prescribed computer skills examination / qualification as per the existing recruitment rules for computer knowledge.
 14. The State Government shall strictly enforce the prescribed work load from time to time.
 15. These newly approved vacancies which – are allowed to continue till the end of the financial year.  If the vacancies have to be continued from time to time then the department has to get the permission to continue the vacancies by submitting the financial advisor Mr. one month before the expiry of the proposal deadline.
 16. The conditions approved by the Finance Department cannot be changed under any circumstances without the prior approval of the Finance Department otherwise the responsibility for the same rests with the Head of the Department.
 17. The vacancies in Sr. No. 8 to 20 shown in the table should be filled out of source.
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