Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos, Programme(Karykram), Materials(Sahitya) For Gujarat Students

Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos, Programme(Karykram), Materials(Sahitya) For Gujarat Students

Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos, Programme(Karykram), Materials(Sahitya) For Gujarat Students

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Student friends, for the last one year now we have been battling the Corona epidemic.  In this awkward situation most of the students could not be kept in school but we did not stop teaching.  We have divided the entire curriculum from Std. 1 to 12 into episodes with the wish that our teaching work will be done in a continuous manner.  Honest efforts were made to bring education door-to-door through Girnar Channel as well as BISAG.  At the same time, meaningful efforts were made by the teacher friends to teach the students through smart phones from time to time, contact the parents at home and distribute textbooks, unit tests, diagnostic tests, street education as well as provide direct educational guidance to the students by the teachers.  Online classes were also conducted under Gujarat Virtual School (GVS).  Under Home Learning, all these materials are available on Samagra Shiksha, Gandhinagar website, Diksha platform and Gujarat e-class Samagra Shiksha YouTube channel.  You are all aware of that.  In this “Knowledge Bridge” literature, you have received your standard education through home learning and other means during the last year.  This literature has been prepared for the purpose of strengthening it.  In which the given questions, examples and solutions are to be written.  He will have to write and count in his notebook where necessary.  When the next new academic session starts, your teachers will check the ‘Knowledge Bridge’ literature and the notebooks written by the students based on it and the necessary remedial work will be done.  This ‘Gyansetu’ literature will be an important bridge for the students between the knowledge they have acquired and the knowledge they are learning.  There is such faith.
Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos, Programme(Karykram), Materials(Sahitya) For Gujarat Students

To watch the launch program of Gyansetu (Bridge Course – Class Readiness), Command and Control Center 2.0 (CCC 2.0), Gujarat Education Technology Limited (GET) – G – SHALA (Gujarat Students’ Holistic Adaptive Learning App).

Gyansetu (Bridge Course – Class Readiness) program will be held from June 10, 2021 to July 10, 2021. The program will be launched on June 10, 2021 through Doordarshan Kendra DD Girnar from 9:00 am with the blessings of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Hon’ble Minister of State for Education. The show will air on DD Girnar, BISAG, Microsoft Teams and YouTube Live. A Command and Control Center has been set up through the Department of Education for quality improvement, field staff monitoring, real time data etc. Command and Control Center 2.0 (CCC 2.0) is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and state-of-the-art physical facilities. The CCC 2.0 will be unveiled by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on June 10, 2021 at 11:00 AM at CCC 2.0, Sector-19, Gandhinagar. Hon’ble Minister of Education as well as Hon’ble Minister of State for Education will also be participating in this program. The program will be broadcast live on BISAG,Vande Gujarat Channel, Microsoft Teams and YouTube Live. Along with this program, Gujarat Education Technology Limited GET-G – SHALA (Gujarat Students’ Holistic Adaptive Learning App) will also be inaugurated.
Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos, Programme(Karykram), Materials(Sahitya) For Gujarat Students

➡️Download Gyansetu Time Table Std 1 To 10

➡️Download Gyansetu Materials For Std 1 To 10

➡️ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવવા માટેના માધ્યમ
સમગ્ર શિક્ષા વેબસાઈટ :

➡️ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા બાયસેગ – વંદે ગુજરાતની વિવિધ ધોરણવાર ૧૬ ચેનલ વડે શૈક્ષણિક કાર્યક્રમનું પ્રસારણ

➡️બાયસેગ પ્રસારણ જોવા માટે DTH ડિશ લગાવવાથી દૂરદર્શન કેન્દ્ર તેમજ બાયસેગની તમામ ચેનલો ફ્રીમાં જોઈ શકાય છે .DTH ડિશ નજીવા ખર્ચે લગાવી શકાય છે.

➡️DIKSHA વેબસાઈટ પર જોઈ શકો છો

➡️YouTube પર જ્ઞાનસેતુ ના ધોરણ 1 થી 10 ના વિડીયો નિહાળો

Gujarat e- Class Samagra Shiksha

➡️Facebook પર જ્ઞાનસેતુ વિડીયો જોવા Facebook Group જોઈન કરો

Click Here

➡️jio TV પર બ્રિજકોર્સ- ક્લાસ રેડીનેસ જ્ઞાનસેતુ ક્લાસ જોવા નીચેની લિંક પર ક્લિક કરો

Click Here

➡️માઈક્રોસોફ્ટ ટીમ્સ એપ્લિકેશનથી ધોરણ 1 થી 10 જ્ઞાનસેતુ કાર્યક્રમ નિહાળો

Click Here

Std-10 Bridge Course Gyansetu Videos, SSA Gujarat Program Bridge Course Material. Date 10/06/2021 to 10/07program

Bridge Course Video For Class 1 to 10

In this regard, teachers, parents, SMC members, conscious citizens as well as students are asked to inform about this “home learning” program. The Department of Education has organized a “Home Learning” program for the students of Std. 3 to 8 and Std. 9 to 12 from 15/06/2020 so that the students can study at home due to the Corona epidemic. According to the date and time indicated, the students of that standard will be able to observe this program without fail and in order to grow in their academic work, they will immediately inform the principals and teachers from your level and make necessary arrangements for the success of the Paripatra

Gyansetu Karyakram Sahitya PDF

In addition, students are also asked to be vigilant in carrying out the required educational materials like textbooks, pens, pencils and notebooks as per the schedule while watching the program. Taluka Primary Education Officer, Taluka Education Inspector, BIT Education Inspector, BRC – CRC Co.O. Your child is asked to make appropriate arrangements for guidance and monitoring of how the child watches and studies the broadcast. Every child is important and we all strive for his education.

જૂન 2021 થી ધોરણ 1 થી 10ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને બ્રિજકોર્સમાં જોડવા બાબત લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર

ધોરણ 1 થી 10 માટે સાહિત્ય તૈયાર કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. Std 1 to 10 Mate “Bridge Course – Class Readiness: Gyansetu” Karyakram Babat Paripatra

ધોરણ ૧ થી ૧૦ ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓ માટે ” બ્રિજકોર્સ – ક્લાસરેડીનેશ : જ્ઞાનસેતુ ” કાર્યક્રમ બાબતે સમગ્ર શિક્ષા SSA ગુજરાત નો પરિપત્ર, તારીખ- 24/05/2021

Subject: Regarding the program “Bridge Course – Class Readiness: Gyansetu” for students of Std. Pursuant to the approval received on the note dated 11/09/2071 by the Secretary (Pvt. And Ma.) Education Department.

Gujarat E-Class Bridge Course Daily Videos

According to the above topic and context, last year due to the Corona epidemic, students were given study work under “Home Learning”. In which the entire education, GCERT and Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education have run “Home Learning” program through Doordarshan Kendra DD Girnar, Viseg’s Vande Gujarat Channel, YouTube, WhatsApp, Gujarat Virtual School (GVS) as well as Home Learning Literature etc. Was.

📟 જ્ઞાનસેતુ (બ્રિજકોર્સ-કલાસ રેડિનેશ), કમાન્ડ એન્ડ કંટ્રોલ સેન્ટર ર.૦ (CCC 2.O) ગુજરાત એજયુકેશન ટેકનોલોજીસ લીમીટેડ (GET)- G-SHALA (Gujarat Students’ Holistic Adaptive Learning App) ના શુભારંભ/ઉદૃઘાટન કાર્યક્રમ નિહાળવા બાબત પરિપત્ર

★ જ્ઞાનસેતુ / બ્રિજકોર્સ કાર્યક્રમ પ્રસરણનું ટાઇમટેબલ ડાઉનલોડ કરો.

👉 ટાઇમટેબલ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

★ દૂરદર્શન પર લાઈવ કલાસ YouTube માં જોવા માટેની link

👉 Live કલાસ જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

You are all well aware that the new academic session will start from June 06, 2018. The study of this Gyansetu literature will be done by the state government during the first month of this new academic session. The pre-re-syllabus of the standard in which the students have been admitted from 1st June, 2081 in the form of bridge course as well as the understanding / repetition / rehearsal of the standard learning outcome to understand the syllabus of the current year’s standard.

Class Readiness: Gyansetu Sahitya School readiness for Std. 1, Class readiness for Std. 6,7 – Gujarati, Mathematics, Gujarati for Std. 6 to 8, Mathematics and English and Gujarati, Mathematics, English and Science for Std. This literature will be delivered to the students of Std. 1 to 10 of Government Primary and Secondary Schools of the State as well as KGBV, Model, Model Day, Ashram Schools by Gujarat State School Textbooks Board by 04 June 2021.

Bridge Course Book PDF Download For Std 1 to 10

Soft copy of the literature will also be posted on the website of the entire education office. This will be done through teams in collaboration with GCERT and Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

From 10th June, 2021, students of Std. 1 to 10 in the entire state will be given study work for one month using this “Bridge Course Class Readiness: Gyansetu” material. Students of Std. 1 to 10 will also have to use last year’s textbooks in the study of this material, students from Std. 1 to P will have to do writing work in this material.

Also students of Std-9 to 10 will have to make a separate notebook. After the completion of the program, the teacher friends will check the literature written by the student “Bridge course Class

Readiness: Gyansetu” so that the teacher friends can know the learning level of the students as well as the things they have studied and give necessary guidance to the students. “School Readiness” literature has been prepared for the students seeking admission. Children of Std. 1 are requested to try to get involved in this study work with the help of parents / elder siblings / teachers.

Std 1 to 10 Bridge Course Material Videos and Book

From 10th June 2021 “Bridge Course – Class Readiness: Gyansetu” Program Therefore, the students will be guided through the Doordarshan Kendra – DD Girnar channel by the teacher friends, as well as this episode will be aired by BISAG, Vande Gujarat channel, thus the students will be able to watch the educational broadcast through DD Girnar and Vande Gujarat channel.

The Gyansetu Sahitya Diksha platform and the entire Shiksha, Gandhinagar website will be uploaded and the link will be sent regularly to the WhatsApp group in the same way as it was delivered to the students through WhatsApp last year.

Std 1 To 10 Bridge Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Videos

Std 1

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (શાળા તત્પરતા) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 2

★ તા. 08-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 07-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 3

★ તા. 08-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 07-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 4

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 5

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 05-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 03-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 02-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 6

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 05-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 03-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 02-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 7

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 05-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 03-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 02-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 8

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 9

★ તા. 06-07-2021 (ગણિત ) : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 (English) : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 15-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 14-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

★ તા. 12-06-2021 (અંગ્રેજી) : Video

★ તા. 11-06-2021 (ગણિત) : Video

★ તા. 10-06-2021 (ગુજરાતી) : Video

Std 10

★ તા. 06-07-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 05-07-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 03-07-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 02-07-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 01-07-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 30-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 29-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 28-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 26-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 25-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 24-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 23-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 22-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 21-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 19-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 18-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

★ તા. 17-06-2021 | ગુજરાતી : Video | વિજ્ઞાન : Video

★ તા. 16-06-2021 | અંગ્રેજી : Video | ગણિત : Video

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