Gujarat Primary School Re- Open After Corona Official Paripatra|Gujarat ma Dhoran 6, 7, 8 Na Vargo Punah Sharu Karva Babat Circular

Gujarat Primary School Re- Open After Corona Official Paripatra|Gujarat ma Dhoran 6, 7, 8 Na Vargo ma Shikshan Kary Punah Sharu Karva Babat Circular

As per the guideline (1) taken in the reading, guidelines have been issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005 to resume the activities which were stopped following the lockdown measures for the control of COVID-19 in the country.  Accordingly, it has been suggested that educational institutions should be reopened after October 15, 2020 in the activities sanctioned outside the containment zone.  For which, in consultation with the concerned school / institution administrators of the State / UT, discussions have been held based on the assessment of the Corona transition situation.  Subsequently, direct teaching work was resumed in Std. 10 and Std. 12 classes with the resolution dated 08/01/2021 under number (2) taken from the reading.  Since then, phased 9th and 11th classes have also been started.  In view of Corona’s survival, the matter of resumption of direct education in phases with adequate vigilance in the field of primary education in the state was under consideration by Government.
 At the end of the adult deliberation, it is decided to resume the direct teaching work for the classes of Std. 6 to 8 in all the board primary schools in the state from 18/01/2021.  Educational-non-academic staff and students of government / private and aided primary schools of all the boards in the state should strictly follow the following instructions.
From 18/02/2021, offline (physical / direct) educational work will be resumed for students of Std. 6 to 8 in government / private and aided primary schools of all the boards of the state.  Attendance in offline (physical / direct) educational work is voluntary for the student and for that the concerned institution has to get the written consent letter from the parents of the student in the attached form.  For those students who are not directly involved in the physical presence in the class, the schools will have to arrange online study as well as Vande Gujarat Channel and Doordarshan D.D. by the state government.  The students will be encouraged to watch the educational programs aired from 259 of the year.
At this stage under primary education, only students of standard 6 to 8 will have to be called by the school.
 Schools will have to adjust the number of classes keeping in view the number of students and the need as well as the complexity of the subjects.  So that as per the SOP / guidelines of Bharat Sakka, seating arrangement will have to be arranged as per the social disturbance between the two students.  In addition, the headmaster of the school / taluka primary education officer will be able to decide on the type of arrangement to be made for which subject / curriculum.
 It will be mandatory for students, teachers as well as all other employees to wear the fence mark properly.  All the concerned local authorities should take adequate precautions to ensure that no infected / symptomatic student / teacher or third person enters the school premises by constant monitoring in this regard.
 No student or staff member or third party who lives in the Contentment Zone or whose family has a Corona infected person may attend school.  If there is a school in the content zone area, that school cannot be opened.
 Proceedings regarding capacity building of all concerned such as head teachers, teachers, parents, students, SMC members, etc. as shown in the SOP published by Indian Government.  3 hashes.  All these procedures will have to be done following the SOP / guidelines published by Bharat Sabha.
 All the above guidelines have to be followed by the concerned district administration, district primary education officer / governing officer, taluka primary education officer and school headmaster / principal in the interest of the students considering the local situation.  By the order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name

Consent form to be given by the guardian

Name of guardian / parent
 Mobile number
 From, Principal,
 School name:
 Subject: Consent to send my foster son / daughter to school for actual educational work.
  Mr., compliment on the above subject to state that in the present situation of Covid-19, S.O.P.  The decision to start direct educational work in schools has been taken by the Government on the condition of complying with the (Standard Operating Procedure).  My pet / son / daughter (name) …………………….
  Studying in standard ……… in your school.  I am S.O.P.  Details of parent / guardian role outlined in  I consent to send my foster son / daughter to school for actual educational work.  Government’s S.O.P.  I also guarantee that the guidelines on Covid-19 will be followed.  My mother / son / daughter has come to school wearing a mask as well as bringing water bottles, snacks etc. from home and not giving them to others.  If someone in my family is infected with Corona and my place of residence is in the Contentment Zone, I guarantee that I will not send my child / son / daughter to school.

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