organizing drawing, essay writing, quiz competition under “saksham” national competition 2020/21

organizing drawing, essay writing, quiz competition under “saksham” national competition 2020/21

“Saksham” Rashtriy Spardha 2020/21 Chitrakam, Nibandh Lekhan, Quiz

 The Department of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India organizes drawing, essay writing, quiz competitions under the “Saksham” National Competition every year to create awareness among school children on the importance of fuel conservation and environmental protection.  The main purpose of essay writing, drawing and quiz competitions is to raise awareness about protection of petroleum products, reduction of oil imports, importance of energy conservation, innovation and use of energy resources in industrial, transport, agriculture and local sector.  According to the above context, this competition is organized for the students studying in Std. 7 to 10.  The competition has been launched in online mode through the website as well as through the mobile app.  Whose last date is kept 10.02.2021.  Students studying in Std. 7,8,9 & 10 at school level for essay writing and drawing will be able to participate as well as the best 2 works selected by schools at school level will have to be uploaded on the online website.  Students studying in standard 7,8,9 & 10 will be able to participate in the quiz competition, the result of which will be announced online.  Attached are the necessary instructions and reference guides for this competition.  Which is requested to reach all the schools in your district and give necessary instructions from your level for maximum number of students to participate in this competition.

Saksham National Competition – 2020-21: 

Painting , Essay Writing & Quiz for School Children to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products

Every year , PCRA is conducting ‘ Saksham National Competition for school children , to raise awareness on the importance of fuel conservation and environmental protection You have been supporting us in this endeavor to maximize the reach of the competition , through your Board of Education .
This year , due to Covid – 19 , we are conducting the same in a completely online mode during the period 04.01.2021 to 10.02.2021 .
The competition has been launched , through a web portal / mobile app . The circular consisting details of the competition is attached herewith . Schools may permit the students to submit their entry online through our user friendly Web Portal / Mobile app or alternately accept hard copies . The schools will evaluate the entries and the best two entries will be uploaded on our webportal . These selected participants would participate in the State level competition and further in the National level competition . The best entries would be suitably awarded.
We shall be grateful for your support in ensuring that the information reaches out to all schools under your Board through emailers , as well as your website.
We seek your support to ensure maximum participation from your schools in this National Cause .

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‘ Saksham ‘ National Competition 2021 Essay , Painting & Quiz CASH PRIZES

Petroleum Conservation Research Association ( PCRA ) , under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas , Govt . of India , is committed to make oil conservation a National Movement . The Essay writing , Painting , and Quiz competitions aim to raise awareness among youth about the conservation of Petroleum products in industrial , transport , agriculture and domestic sector , reduction of oil imports , energy conservation , importance and use of renewable energy sources , and how to practice conservation tips in our daily lives , and save the environment . 

For effective communication , students may choose to present their ideas and messages for conserving petroleum products and reducing emission , in English , Hindi or Regional languages . 





Quiz for selecting School team and thereafter State and National level .


1 . Only those schools in India which are recognized by Central State Boards can participate .
2. The school is requested that all eligible ( maximum number of ) students take part in this competition , as this is in National interest
3 . The schools shall register themselves on our portal first and then they can register the names of all Students on the same portal . All the students can then participate as Individuals in First Round , ie School Level Round from their residence or school.
4. Schools to conduct Essay competitions in one or more of the following languages – Hindi , English , Assamese , Bengali . Gujarati , Kannada , Kashmiri , Konkani , Malayalam , Manipuri , Marathi , Oriya , Punjabi Sanskrit , Sindhi , Tamil , Telugu , Urdu , Maithili Dogri , Nepali , Bodo and Santhali . Only the languages which can be evaluated by school teachers may be permitted by the school .
5. Eligibility : Students of classes 7,8,9 & 10 . 6 . One student can participate in only one language . However , a student can participate in Essay and Painting both .
7 . Essay should not exceed 700 words .
8 . Student must write the essay in his / her own handwriting , and scan / click photo and upload on the webportal ( ) as advised by school or submit hardcopy to school .
9 . Topic : One Step Towards Green & Clean Energy.
10. Participation period : 04.01.2021 to 10.02.2021 . Last entry on or before 10.02.2021 .
11. School is required to evaluate the entries , and select / upload Best two entries in essay ( irrespective of language ) and best two entries in painting on our webportal ( ) . The selection of best 2 entries to be completed by the school latest by 15.02.2021.
12. Best two students shortlisted by the school will be invited to participate in State Level Competition which will be conducted online only . Their entries at this level will be evaluated and attractive cash prizes & certificates will be awarded to Top – 50 students of each State / UT .
13. The top 5 students of each State / UT for both essay & painting will be invited in online National Level Competition , and the top 20 students in the National level competition will win additional lucrative cash prizes and certificates . Please check our web portal . For more details contact PCRA on : 011-26715360 or email : .

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1 . The decision of the Jury / Expert committee appointed by PCRA will be final and binding in respect of all matters concerning the competition .
2. Plagiarism may lead to cancellation of entry ,
3 . The entries submitted would be the sole property of PCRA , with right to use and right to edit for any purpose it considers appropriate .
4 . Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes .
5. Schools should try to hold the competitions and complete the evaluation as early as possible to avoid last minute rush in submission .


1. Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India , can participate . 2.
2. This competition shall be conducted online through web portal :
3. The schools shall register themselves on our portal first and then they can register the names of all students on the same portal . All the students can then participate as Individuals in First Round , i.e. School Level Round from their residence or school .
4. Eligibility : Students of classes 7,8,9 & 10.
5 . Questions shall pertain to Fuel Conservation , Environment , General Studies and General Knowledge .
6 . It is requested that all eligible ( maximum number of ) students take the online quiz , as it will add to their knowledge and is in National interest .
7 . Software will select the two best scoring participants , who will form the School team .
8 . The School team ( two best scoring participants ) shall then participate in the second round or State level round , by logging in the portal , sitting together at school / convenient premises , in the specified period , for which detailed email will be sent by PCRA .
9 . The shortlisted best school team ( winner ) at State level shall be informed by email by PCRA . This team shall participate in National round by logging in the portal , in the specified period , for which detailed email will be sent by PCRA .
10. The schools shall be informed / intimated about the winners at each level on the web portal itself as well as through emails .
11. School level Competition Period : 04.01.2021 to 10.02.2021 for online Quiz competition upto School level only.


Please check our web portal .
For more details contact PCRA on : 011-26715360
or email :

1 . The decision of the Jury / Expert committee appointed by PCRA will be final and binding in respect of all matters concerning the competition .
2 . Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes.
3 . Schools should try to hold the competitions as early as possible to avoid last minute rush in submission .

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