GOVERNMENT SCHEMES IN INDIA : Government schemes – all information in Gujarati

GOVERNMENT SCHEMES IN INDIA : Government schemes – all information in Gujarati

These 39 important schemes implemented by the Government of India Which is very useful in every competitive exam.
This pdf file has been created by TTC Academy – Rajkot. In which all the necessary matters are included, regardless of each competitive exam.


GOVERNMENT SCHEMES IN INDIA : Government schemes – all information in Gujarati
The following 49 pages of this file have been informed of the important Schemes.

1. Pradhan mantri jandhan yojna

2. Pradhan mantri suraksha vima yojna

3. Pradhan mantri jivan jyot vima yojna

4. Atal pension yojna

5. Sukanya samridhdhi yojna

6. Pradhan mantri mudra yojna

7. Aam Aadmi bima yojna

8. Suraksha bandhan yojna

9. Pradhan mantri Fasal vina yojna (PMFBY)

10. Pradhanmantri krushi sinchai yojna (PMKSY)

11. “Beti Vadhavo” Abhiyan

12. Sarv shixa Abhiyan (SSA)

13. Mukhyamantri Amrutam “MA” yojana ane “MA VATSALY” Yojana

14. Mahatma Gandhi Rashtriya Gramin rojgar Bahedhari Yojna

15. Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavlamban Yojna

16. Vrudhda Pension Yojna

17. Vrudhdha Pension Yojana (Rajya sarkar) (Niradhar Vrudhdha poension Yojna)

18. Vikalang pension Yojna (IGNDPS : Kendra sarkar ni Yojna)

19. Vikalang pension Yojna (Sant surdas Yojna : Rajya sarkar ni Yojna)

20. Pradhan Mantri Gram sadak Yojna

21. Lok Vyavasthapit Gramya Peyajal karyakrama (Rashtriya Gramin Peyajal Karyakram)

22. Rashtriya Swastha bima yojna

23. Swachbharat Mission

24. Vidhya sadhana Yojna
25. Post Metric Shishyavrutti Yojna

26. Van bandhu kalyan Yojna : (Talentpul school Voucher Yojna) Anu. Jan jatina Vidhyarthio ne Aa yojna antargat uttam kaxana Avasiya Vidhyalaya ma Sarvasreshth Shixan male te mate.


27. STD 11-12 Science na students ne GUJCATE and JEE ni exam taiyari mate koching fee Apvani Yojna

28. PPP MODE : Vacation talim kendra public privet partnership

29. IDDP : Sankalit dairy vikas Yojna

30. Vertical crossing system : Vela vala pako mate mandap banavava mate sadhan sahay Yojna

31. Krushi vaividhyakaran Yojna

32. Manav Garima Yojna

33. Kuvarbai nu mameru Yojna – Anu. jatini kanya na lagna prasang mate
34. (Dudh Sanjivani) Purak poshan Yojna

35. Eklavya Model Residential School Yojna

36. Alp saxarta kanya nivasi school Yojna

37. Model school Yojna

38. Vyaktigat Dhorane Avas maTe Nanakiy sahay Yojna

39. Anusuchit Jati na Tejasvi karkirdi dharavta Vidhyarthio ne videsh ma Abhyas mate lone sahay Yojna

DOWNLOAD THIS PDF FILE TO FULL DETAIL IN GUJARATI LANGUAGE : CLICK HERE the information about education and everything related to it is shared in this website.
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