Commissionerate Of Health (COH) 700 Staff Nurse Recruitment 2020|700 Staff Nurse Bharati Notification

Commissionerate Of Health (COH) 700 Staff Nurse Recruitment 2020|700 Staff Nurse Bharati Notification

Announcement regarding recruitment of Staffers Class-3 Office of the Commissioner (Health) (T.V.), Block No.-5, 1st Floor, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gandhinagar, Advertisement

 Commissioner, Health, Medical Services, and Medical Education, 700 vacancies of Staffers Class-3 at State Government Hospitals and Community Health Centers under the jurisdiction of Gandhinagar have to be filled by competitive examination in the following details.  Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from candidates with educational qualifications for the posts.  Candidates can apply on the website and from 1/1/2021 (14:00 hrs) to 21/1/2021 (23:59 hrs).  Online applications should be made at as per the detailed advertisement instructions posted.

Vacancies to be filled by caste as per the percentage of reserves in respect of vacancies to be filled

 Details of Staffers Class-3 payable vacancies and educational qualifications, pay scale, age relaxation and general instructions are available on the above website.

Office of the Commissioner, Health, Medical Services and Medical Education, Block-5, 1st Floor, Dr.  Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector – 10 B Gandhinagar

 Announcement of Direct Recruitment of 700 Staffers Class-3, Year-2020

 Advertisement No .: – COM / 202021/1

 Online applications are invited in the prescribed format for recruitment of staffers through competitive examination from the following qualified candidates for a total of 700 posts of Staffers Class-3 at Government Hospitals / Community Health Centers in the State Government Hospitals / Community Health Centers under the Office of the Commissioner, Health Medical Services, and Medical Education Gandhinagar.  Candidates can apply online from 1/1/2021 (14:00 hrs) to 21/1/2021 (23:59 hrs) only online as per the instructions posted on the website  Will have to.  Candidates will have to scan the latest passport size photograph (15 K.B) and signature sample (15 K.B) in JPG format so that it does not exceed the size and upload it in the online application.  All the candidates have to fill in the details in the application forms according to their educational qualification, age, caste as well as other required certificates.  Details of vacancies to be filled by staffers and educational qualifications, pay scale, age limit, age relaxation and general instructions are available on the above website.

 Vacancies to be filled by caste as per the percentage of reserves in respect of vacancies to be filled


 Only citizens of India can apply.

 Among the selected candidates, a married man or woman who has entered into a marriage contract other than that of a surviving spouse will be considered ineligible unless they are allowed to enter into such a marriage contract under their personal law.

 Reserved seats are only for native Gujarat students.  , Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes.  Reserved only for caste as well as economically weaker class candidates.  Vacancies for women are reserved at 33 per cent.  Which will be offset against that category.

 Vacancies are reserved for ex-servicemen at 10% of the total vacancies.  Which will be offset against that category.  4% seats are reserved for SC candidates and these candidates will be included against that category.

 Salary norms: 

provisions of the finance department dated 19/06/2008, dated 01/06/2008 and dated 07/10/2011 and general administration department dated 07/06/2009 and dated 8/10/2017 provisions and finance department  The bids / conditions / rules which have been fixed subject to the provisions of the resolution dated 8/06/2017 as well as the bids / terms / rules to be fixed by the Government from time to time shall be binding on the candidate.  For the first five years subject to the provisions of Staffeners Class-3 with a monthly fixed salary of Rs. 31,340 /

Appoint a qualified candidate on contract basis.  Apart from that no other allowances or benefits will be available.  After the completion of five years of service, his services are considered satisfactory to the appointing authority as per the seventh pay commission.  Matrix Level 5 Salary Standard Rs. 29200-92300 or as prescribed by the Government which will be eligible for appointment in that pay scale.

 Educational Qualification :

 (1) Basic B.Sc. obtained from institutions recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.  (Nursing) (Regular) degree course.  Or Diploma Course in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) from institutes recognized by the Indian Nursing Council or

 (2) Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM) and Female Health Worker (EH.W) who have been in the State Government or Panchayat Service for the last 10 years with regular appointment and B.Sc.  (Nussing) or GNM with educational qualification can also apply for this post and they will be eligible for relaxation in age limit as per the prevailing rules of the Government.  But under no circumstances should the age exceed 5 years.  Who will have to submit the no objection certificate of that office.  (3) It is mandatory to have permanent or periodically renewed registration of registered nurse and registered midwife in Gujarat Nursing Council while applying.  The application form must show the registration number of the registered nurse as well as the registered midwife or equivalent qualification.  No other grounds will be accepted.  (4) Must have sufficient knowledge of both Gujarati / Hindi languages.

Useful For You:  RFO 2020/21 Notification

 Commuter Information:

 Candidate should have basic knowledge about the use of commuter prescribed by the State Government’s Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.  As per the syllabus prescribed by Government Resolution No. – CRR – 10-2007-120320 – Dt.  Any diploma course in commuter knowledge in a university or institute should have certificates of commuter as a subject or certificates of Std-10 and Std-12 examinations passed with the subject of commuter.  Candidates who do not have this certificate at this stage will also be able to apply.  But this certificate has to be submitted accurately before getting the appointment.  Otherwise will not be eligible for appointment.

 Age Limit: 

The age of the candidate should not be more than 40 years at the last date of application.

 Exemption in age limit: 

In case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socio-Educationally Backward, Economically Weaker Class candidates originally from Gujarat, five (5) years exemption will be given in the upper age limit as per rules.  Candidates with 40 per cent or more disability will be given a relaxation of the upper age limit of 10 years.

As per the provision of the resolution dated 22/5/1997 of the General Administration Department, the upper age limit of 25 years will be given to women candidates.  Women applicants in the reserved category will be given a waiver of 05 years as a woman in addition to the upper age waiver available as a reserve.  Ex-servicemen candidates who have served in the Water, Air and Land Armed Forces for at least six (6) months and have an identity card / certificate of competent officer as a ex-serviceman will get a waiver of up to three (3) years in addition to the duration of duty.  .  The upper age limit of all the reserved category candidates should not exceed 45 years on the due date under any circumstances with exemption.

  Selection Process:

 Exam O.M.B.  (Optical Mark Reader) method.  In which 100 questions of nursing subject as well as 100 questions of Gujarati subject will be asked through MCQ (Multiple choice question).  Paper-1 will be on the subject of nursing.  In which Fundamental of Nursing-20 marks, Medical Surgical Nursing-20 marks, Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing-20 marks, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing-20 marks, Community Health Nursing-20 marks Thus a total of 100 questions will be asked and each question will have 1 mark.  .  The syllabus for these subjects will be as per the syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.  Paper-2 The syllabus to be asked for Gujarati language paper will not be below Std-12 Higher Secondary level.  In which Language -30 marks, Grammar -40 marks and Literature -30 marks thus a total of -100 questions will be asked and each question will have 1 mark.  For each wrong question 0.25 marks will be deducted.  As far as possible, all the instructions related to the exam will be given via SMS on the mobile number.  Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the mobile number in the application form and maintain the given mobile number till the recruitment process is completed.  For the competitive examination, the examination related to the subject of nursing will be of 100 marks.  In which 50 percent marks are required to pass.  If the candidate as indicated in the advertisement is not available, the recruitment committee will have the power to reduce the passing standard and merit list will be prepared accordingly.  The time for examination will be 2 (two) hours.  Examination can be given in Gujarati or English language.  Gujarati language exam will be of 100 marks.  In which 35% marks are required to pass.  Examination can be given in Gujarati language only.  It is necessary to pass both the exams, but the merit list will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained in the subject of Nursing as well as in both the Gujarati language papers.

  Examination fee

 (1) Candidates who select “General” category will have to pay application fee of Rs.300 / – + post office charge (Rs.300 + charge in case of online fee payment) and also have the option to make online payment and also make online payment.  Fees / charges will not have to be paid as per the existing rules of the Government for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Disabled, Veterans and ANV candidates.


 (2) Candidates who have selected the category “General” and want to pay the application fee through the post office, after applying online, take the A4 size print of 3 (three) currency of the post office along with the application form from the OJAS website and submit it to any computerized post office  Fees will be accepted while candidates who want to pay the fees online will have to choose one of the options available for payment and pay the fees.

 (3) Candidates who select the category “General” will keep one of these three currencies at the post office and return the other two signed coins to the candidate. The candidate will have to save it and present it accurately at the examination venue.  Candidates who pay the fee online will have to maintain access to the payment of the fee.

 (4) The last date for payment of fees at the post office as well as online will be till the working hours of the post office on 22/1/2021.

(5) Refunds are not recoverable after payment of fees and the application of candidates selecting “General” category without payment of fees will not be accepted.

(6) By paying the examination fee, the candidate will be informed that the fee has been paid by SMS.  If the candidate does not receive the SMS, the candidate will have to contact the post office immediately.

General instructions:

(1) All the instructions / details related to this recruitment will be seen from time to time from or website.

(2) The details filled in the prescribed application form by the candidate shall be considered final for the entire recruitment process and its proofs (original and certified copy) shall be submitted in person at the place and time when requested by this department.  Otherwise the application form will be declared canceled.

(3) A candidate may apply only once.  However, in case of multiple applications, only the last confirmed application out of all the applications filled including the fee will be considered valid.  All other applications will be rejected and the fee will not be refunded.

(4) Candidates with physical disability (Locomotor disability of only 40% or more and one Lower limb up to 70%) will have to indicate the percentage of their disability in the personal information or details in the online application form.

(5) In case of reserved category candidates, Certificate of Caste, Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Criminal Certificate where applicable and Certificate of Economically Weaker Class (EWS) Circular No. dated 6/2/2019 of the General Administration Department: Perch / 102019/28671 / G  – 2 will be considered valid as per the date of publication of the advertisement.

(6) The appointment of the final selected candidate in the recruitment process of this cadre shall be eligible for appointment subject to such conditions as the authority may determine.

(7) The candidate himself shall not be entitled to claim appointment on the relevant post merely to be included in the final selection list.  The appointing authority should ensure that the public service is good as per the rules laid down by the Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967 and the existing recruitment rules for this post.  So at that stage the decision of the appointing authority regarding the appointment of such a candidate will be final.

 (8) This recruitment process shall be solely subject to the existing recruitment rules of the cadre as well as the rules of the recruitment process.

(9) If there is a need to cancel or change this advertisement for any reason or to reduce the number of vacancies, the account shall have full right to do so.  Will not be obliged to give reasons for this.  Also, in such circumstances, the filled application and examination fee will not be refunded.

(10) The online application form in this regard should be filled online on the website  The online application form can be filled on any computer with internet facility available.  The facility is also available at the e-Gram Kendra.

 (11) Before filling the application form, it is requested to carefully study the instructions for the candidate posted on the website and the instructions for filling the online application form and only after that fill the online application form.

 (12) Only online application forms will be considered valid, if application forms are sent in any other way it will be considered void.

 (13) This recruitment will be subject to the final judgment of SLP No. 1912-1918 / 2018 filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

 (14) As only marking is to be done in the OMR sheet, the applicant is not eligible for Writer facility at any time during the examination.


 How to apply:

Only online application made through the website by the committee in respect of this advertisement will be accepted.  The candidate will be able to fill up the application form on the website from 1/1/2021 to 21/1/2021 (time till 23:59 pm) as shown in the advertisement.

 (1) Candidate should first go to the internet website http: // in computer now

 (2) Click on Apply online.

 (3) Clicking on the space will get the details of the space.

 (4) Clicking on Apply Now below it will show the Application Format.  Candidates must first fill in the “Personal Details” in the Application Format (here it is mandatory to fill in the details if there is a red (*) key.

 (5) After filling in Personal Details, click on Educational details to fill in Educational details.

 (6) Click on Yes / No in the Self declaration below it.

 (7) Now, by clicking on Save, your application will be accepted online.  Here the application number of the candidate will be generated.  The candidate has to keep this number and from now on he has to show this number in any correspondence with the Commissioner, Health Office regarding this advertisement.

(8) Now click on Upload photo at the top of the page, type your Application Number here and type your Birth date then click on Ok, here Photo and signature are to be uploaded.  (Photo size should be 5 cm height and 3.6 cm width and signature size should be 2.5 cm height and 7.5 cm width) To upload photo and signature, first your photo and signature should be in JPG format (not more than 15 kb size)  .) Click on “Browse” Button Now select the file in which your Photo is stored in JPG format from the screen of Choose File and click on “Open Button”.  Now click on “Upload Button” next to “Browse Button”.  Now your photo will appear next to it.  Now you have to upload the signature in the same way.

(9) Now click on confirm Application at the top of the page and Application Number and Birth Date Type sal all Ok u?  Click spacell 04201, 9 – Application Preview – Confirm Application ÈULLN.  Candidate should view his application by clicking on Show Application Preview.  If you want to modify the application, click on Edit Application.  Any kind of correction can be made in the application before confirming the application.  But after confirming the application, no amendment can be made in the application.  Only if there is no need to modify the application, by clicking on confirm application, the candidate’s application will be accepted online, here “confirmation number” will be generated.  Which will now be required for all subsequent proceedings, to be saved by the candidate.  No correspondence or any other action except “confirmation number”.

(10) Now click on Print Application, type your “Confirmation Number” here and click on Pint to save a copy of the application.  (This copy will be mandatory whenever you are asked to be present at the office here.)

 (11) If you have given a mobile number in the application, you will receive an SMS on the number mentioned in the application as soon as the application is “Confirmed”.  N. on your mobile number.  I.  C.  This ad will be notified by SMS.  Candidate should not change the mobile number mentioned in the application form.  Details of educational qualification, age limit, relaxation in age limit, application fee and selection method and all other details of the advertisement as per the recruitment rules of the cadre vacancy shown in the advertisement above.  I.  C.  The website is shown at  Any details shown by the candidate in the online application form and certificates related to the date of birth, educational qualification, age, caste, other qualifications submitted by the candidate to the appointing authority will be found to be incorrect during future verification by the appointing officer at that stage.  The candidature of such candidates will be canceled.  Also the candidate will be disqualified and if such candidate has been selected / appointed then it will be canceled at any stage.  The direct recruitment process of this cadre will be fully subject to the revised Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules 1967 from time to time and subject to the recruitment rules framed by this cadre accordingly.  The Recruitment Committee / Commissioner (Health) shall have the sole right to do so in case of any legal change or cancellation of this advertisement in connection with the recruitment process and is not bound to give reasons for this.

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