Submitting guidelines for Sport and Physical Education (Elementary) approved in the entire education budget.

 Submitting guidelines for Sport and Physical Education (Elementary) approved in the entire education budget.  

You are well aware that the budget for the year 2020-21 has approved the budget for all government primary schools in the state under Sport and Physical Education (Elementary).  In this regard, I would like to inform you that sports equipment has been provided to the schools of the state under the approved budget for this activity in the year 2015-20.  The guideline received by the Government of India for the activities to be done for the school under Sport and Physical Education (Elementary) is translated into Gujarati and sent herewith.  In order to convey this guideline to the school level, instructions on its implementation are given to the schools under your jurisdiction.

Khele India, Khele India ‘Guidelines for Sports Grants Approved Under the Comprehensive Education’ Ministry of Human Resource Development for Universal Quality School Education – The Government of India has implemented the integrated school education scheme ‘Sam Shiksha’ from the year 2016-17.  The main objective of which is to maintain the continuity of education from pre-primary to higher secondary level.  Therefore, the scheme seeks to introduce an integrated / joint school system from pre-primary to higher secondary level, so that children will be connected to different stages of schooling, and children will be encouraged to complete schooling.  According to the Sustainable Development Goals for Education (SDGs), the goal of the entire education scheme is to provide equal and quality education from pre-primary to higher secondary level.  Schools under the Sports and Physical Education Department of the entire education scheme have been asked to provide indoor and outdoor sports equipment.  The following is the provision for government schools under the Sports and Physical Education Scheme as follows: Rs. 5,000 per school per year for primary schools / Rs. 10,000 per school per year for upper primary schools / Rs. 10,000 per school per year for secondary and higher secondary schools.  6,000 / Joint School Grant to Government Schools under Samagra Shiksha Yojana for replacement of non-sports equipment, installation of new sports equipment, laboratories, electricity bills, internet, water, teaching aids (TLM).  Are given .  There is also provision for repair and maintenance of existing school building, sanitation, toilets as well as other infrastructural facilities.  Considering the number of students in the school, provision has been made for an annual joint school grant of Rs. 5,000 / – to Rs. 1,00,000 / -.

Guidelines for sports equipment:

(a) List of sports equipment: A list of sports equipment has been prepared according to the age of the children of government schools, as per JANEXAR-1.  (Videos on the use of most of the suggested sports equipment are available on YouTube), this is just a suggested list.  If the State wishes, it can obtain the opinion of the head teachers of the schools and provide the necessary sports equipment to the schools apart from the above list.  However, schools can choose sports equipment and other necessary sports equipment keeping in view the available playgrounds and infrastructural facilities for sports.  Schools can be encouraged to include traditional / regional sports of the state / region in school sports, as well as limited cost equipment for these sports can be procured locally.  Maintenance / maintenance of sports equipment available in the school. It should be ensured that every equipment is working.  This will require periodic review of equipment, and a record of working equipment, equipment in need of repair, unusable equipment and equipment in need of new purchase. 

(B) List of sports activities:

The list of sports according to the age of the children of government schools is as per Annexure-2 attached herewith.  (C) Maintenance of records of sports equipment: Responsibility for maintenance of sports equipment in school, condition of equipment and maintenance of stock may be assigned to the teacher / teacher in charge of School Physical Education (PE).  Detailed guidelines for the use and maintenance of sports equipment as well as special vigilance for safety on the sports ground are as per Annexure-2.


Proposed sports and activities may include the following: primary level; 

1. Movement – Basic activities of movement Locomotor skills (running, jumping, running fast, etc.) Agility skills (catching, throwing, kicking, etc.) Body management skills (balance and stability)  Entertainment / Modified Sports ૩, Sport a) Ball badminton, Handball, Hockey, Karate, Wrestling, Skye, Skater, Icehockey, Kickboxing, Gang TA, Yoga B) Solo / Individual Sports  , Taekwondo, wushu kickboxing) c) team / group sports;  Aggressive sports (eg, basketball, kabaddi, football) Combined sports (eg, tennis, table tennis, badminton, quash, volleyball) Sequential sports (eg, cricket, kho-kho, rounder, softball, baseball, toolball)  Traditional Indian Games Olympic Games i.  ii.  iv.  V. vi.  Yoga vii.  Paralympic Games 2. Traditional Indian Games (Suggested) Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Pitu, Kothla Dod, Ghatika, Dark Rolling (Hoop / Tire Rolling), Blind Squirrel (Ankhmicholi), Tug of War  Other Regional Sports Atya Patya (Ata-Pata), Langadi / Sur, Satolia, Carrom, Judo, Gatka (Indian (Punjabi) Martial Arts), Kho-Kho, Malkham, Roller Skating, Shooting Ball, Soft Tennis, Flash  ), Rope stretching, yoga

Other small games include ilavatta kal (lifting a heavy object), wet stick game is played with two pieces of sticks, nondi (steps) is played with one foot in a square (8-10 square).  Some indoor sports include beaded palanguji, bambaram (bhamrado), vaiyakattai which is a dice game, ginger puli atm, nangu vandi and sichangal.  Mainstream sports (excluding athletics, gymnastics and swimming) can be divided into eye-catching segments, such as regional sports, lattice / wall sports and striking and fielding games, regional sports: regional sports are those in which there are two teams.  Participate in a field that offers possibilities for offensive and defensive play, the goal of which is to gain a score by attacking the opponent’s field.  E.g.  In football / basketball, the score is obtained by crossing the finish line by delivering the ball to its specific area (target).  The proposed regional sports are as follows: Basketball, Handball, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee ૭, Lattice / Wall Games: Lattice / wall games are those in which two player teams participate within a field, often with a net-like obstacle.  The goal of these games is to skillfully keep the shuttle / ball in the air in the designated area and send it back to the opposing team, if the opposing team fails to keep the shuttle ball in the air in its area.  His opponent receives a score.  The suggested sports are as follows: Badminton, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volley Ball, Quest etc. 2. Invasion (Striking) and Defending (Fielding) Sports: Invasion (Striking) and Defending (Fielding) are sports in which two teams  Participates in an area that offers possibilities for offensive and defensive play. The goal of the batting team in this game is to play the ball in such a way that the opposing team’s fielders cannot catch or block the ball.  This way more runs / scores / points are achieved by batting aggressively.  The goal of the fielding team in this game is not to get runs / scores / points by skillfully controlling the batting team.

Have to turn.  Cricket is a proposed game for attacking (striking) and defending (fielding) games. 


Upper Primary Level: 

Soft Tennis, Athletics, Atya Patya, Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Chess, Cycling, Football, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Karate, Kho-Kho, Netball, Malkham, Lawn Tennis, Roller Skating,  School Sports, Softball, Clash, Table Tennis, Tug of War, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Culinary, Cricket, Yoga etc. Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels: Soft Tennis, Athletics, Atya Patya, Badminton, Ball Badminton, Base Badminton  , Billiards & Scooker, Bodybuilding, Boxing, Bridge, Chess, Cycling, Football, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Karate, Kho-Kho, Netball, Malkham, Lawn Tennis, Para Sports, Roller Skating, Rugby, School Sports  Softball, Clash, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Brassing, Kallari, Cricket, Kick Boxing, Yoga etc.

Maintenance and maintenance of sports equipment:

The use of sports equipment is its success.  Maintenance and supervision of equipment encourages its use.  Regular maintenance is required to maintain the quality of sports equipment, such as: 1. Removing leaves, stones, pebbles, sharp objects from the pitch / ground 2. Cleaning the floor daily 3, Using only valid shoes and boots on the playground 4. Ground and its  Regular cleaning of the surrounding area 5. Periodic maintenance of goal post, volleyball pole, basketball post 6. Maintenance of puddatbin 7. Special review at least once in a year 8. Maintain its slope and level to prevent flooding of the ground 9. Arrangement for drainage  Regular inspections and maintenance 10. Cleaning the floor with special equipment (especially cement floor) 11. Carefully follow the guidelines for maintenance of artificial grass / lawn Some examples of equipment maintenance: Check the air pressure carefully.  The air pressure in different balls is as follows: Football – 0.6-1.1 atmosphere (600 – 1,100 g / cm) at sea level Basketball – 3.17-4.0 atmosphere (3170 – 4000 g / cm2) at sea level Volleyball – 0.30-0.325  atmosphere (300-325 g / cm2) at sea level.  Before using the ball: Fill the needle properly to inflate the ball • Inflate the ball at the appropriate pressure Fill the air slowly to inflate the ball and keep pressing the ball simultaneously to inflate the ball If too much air is inflated, the inside of the ball or the tube may be damaged  Avoid, because they are more bloated.


After using the ball: Lower the air a little after use, as not lowering the air can cause the ball to rupture. Wipe the ball with a soft cloth. If the ball cannot be easily cleaned, wipe it with a damp cloth.  Detergent should not be left on the ball, as it will damage the ball. Then wipe the ball with a dry cloth. Keep the cleaned ball in a well ventilated place where direct sunlight does not come in.  To place / preserve the ball: Do not leave the ball in direct sunlight. Do not place the ball in a hot and uncomfortable place. Keep the ball in a well ventilated place.  s Game equipment needs to be taken care of regularly even if it is not used.  Take care of the equipment Take care of the following: Clean the sports equipment with a cloth after use, place the cleaned equipment in a well-ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight Check it regularly for damaged or defective equipment • Do not expose the equipment to sunlight all day  This will reduce the life of the equipment. Do not place the equipment in a wet place made of iron or metal, it will be damaged due to moisture. Do not water the leather made equipment, always clean with a dry cloth.

Safety on the playground:

Safety on the playground can be achieved with good equipment, good practice and good management approach.  Safe conditions for children to play will be ensured by maintaining a record of the circumstances and circumstances that are likely to cause accidents, taking remedial action and implementing safety guidelines.  Playground – Safe condition: Playground and outdoor play equipment give children fresh air and proper exercise.  It is therefore important to ensure that defective devices, improper surfaces and careless behavior do not spoil their interest in going out and playing with other children.  The playground can be kept entertaining and safe by examining the equipment for potential hazards and following some simple safety rules and guidelines.  Adult Supervision: Adult supervision can help prevent injuries by making sure children use the playground equipment properly and are not engaged in unsafe behavior around them.  If an injury occurs, the person can help the child and arrange for first aid immediately.  Do not leave children alone at any time.  Playground Safety: The most important factor in evaluating the safety of any playground is the inspection and maintenance of the playground surface, design and spacing as well as equipment.  .  Some things to consider: Grass reduces the chances of soil and soil surface falling so it is safe, while concrete, asphalt and blacktop surfaces are unsafe.

The playground surface should be free of stagnant water and debris, rocks, tree trunks and tree roots causing children to fall.  There should be no harmful materials like broken glass, nails, raised rods, metalwork – missed items  Remove harmful items by checking the playground / activity area in advance.  Surface mats made of safe rubber are safe.  Rubber mats can be used for children and primary students. There should be a padded area of ​​at least 3 feet from the back of the play equipment. The device with rounded edges is safe, not angled.  Have a first-aid kit available near the playground.


Maintenance and Inspection:

Whether playing indoor or outdoor games, it is important to pay general attention to the equipment to ensure that every tool is clean and well maintained.  Here are some things to keep in mind: There should be no broken tools and equipment Wooden devices should not be cracked or broken Metal devices should not corrode.  If there are any hazardous or unsafe areas / places, the children should be informed about it. The equipment on the playground as well as all the surface area should be covered and maintained regularly, especially the part near the playground equipment which is likely to fall.  Playground equipment should be made of durable materials so that no part or equipment is damaged by the weather.  Ensure adequate open space in front of devices such as slides, swings, etc. and ensure that the devices do not come close to other children while they are in use.  Edge) Check that the tools are not on

All tools or equipment must be secure, with no loose broken parts.  There should be no signs of weakening of the plastic and wood parts, and no debris or rusty surfaces.  .  Protect the box at night to protect it from animals like cats and dogs. • Help keep the field clean and safe by using equipment properly, removing debris from the field, report any safety issue immediately to higher authorities if any part of the equipment is broken  Or if maintenance is required, turn it off immediately, and report the problem to the officer in charge.  Playground – Safe Rules: Must Know How to Stay Safe and Work Responsibly on the Playground Never Have Fun in the Jungle Gym, Slice, Seasource, Swings or Other

Equipment Use the Equipment Properly –

First Foot  Make sure there is enough space in front of devices such as slides, swings, etc. to avoid scrolling, not getting out of the gadrail, not standing on the swings, etc. and make sure that the children do not come around when the devices are in use.  That he jumps with both feet slightly bent at the knees, and also sees that no other child comes there in the meantime.  Keep bikes, backpacks and bags away from equipment and play area so that no one can sit on them or go there.   Always wear heavy while riding a bicycle / bike. Do not use sports equipment when it is wet, as moisture makes the equipment slippery.

Check out playground equipment during the summer.  Especially metal slippers, stairs, gadrel are extremely hot due to heat.  So make the right decisions – if the instrument feels hot from touching it is not safe to play, it can be hit by touching  wear clothes that do not have a cord or cord.  Drawstings, purses and necklaces can be clogged with equipment and accidentally choke. Wear sunscreen while playing outside on hot summer days to protect against sunburn.  More grants should be allocated for sports equipment for children.  The ratio of tools for children this age should be 1: 5.  Children from upper primary, secondary and higher secondary sections will use the same sports equipment.  Sports equipment should be kept close to the playground for maximum use.  The same P.E.  Technology / app should be used to train teachers in the use of sports equipment.

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