Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – Secondary and Higher Secondary Teacher Recruitment List of District wise and School wise vacancies announced

Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – Secondary and Higher Secondary Teacher Recruitment List of District wise and School wise vacancies announced

Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – Secondary and Higher Secondary Teacher Recruitment List of District wise and School wise vacancies announced.

Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – માધ્યમિક મિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષક ભરતી જિલ્લા મુજબ અને સ્કૂલ મુજબની જગ્યાઓનું લિસ્ટ જાહેર.

શિક્ષણ સહાયક ભરતી:- સરકારી માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક જિલ્લા મુજબ અને સ્કૂલ મુજબની જગ્યાઓનું લિસ્ટ જાહેર.

High School Shikshak Sarang Nokri paripatra: Government Secondary and Higher Secondary Shikshan Sahayako ne 5 Years ni Badhati Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran Manya Ganva babat

Regarding the above subject, it is to be implemented that the scheme of recruitment of State Government Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Assistants with fixed salary is to be implemented. Details are to be submitted by the Department of Education. These 05 years of service of fixed salary employees are asked to be sent in the following form as to how much water is required to be considered as service in terms of promotions, promotions, benefits available at higher pay scale.

You are well aware of the fact that in all schools, teaching through Microsoft Teams Virtual Classes, the education of children in schools has become irregular in the time of Covid-19. The teachers of your district are going to school and doing home learning of all the children without device in their own way. As per the instructions, Daily is also informing the parents about home learning.

In addition to std. 9-10 and std. Live webcasts are also being conducted through YouTube, Facebook, Microsoft Teams and Geo TV under Gujarat Virtual School for 11-12.

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Also through the entire education whether the students have the device under home learning? A survey was conducted to find out and it was found that a large number of 40% students in the state are using digital devices. The approach of the state government education department has taken many initiatives and efforts to ensure that not a single student is deprived of education during the Kovid epidemic.

As part of this, Microsoft has created a user account for all children and teachers studying in all the government and grant aided schools of Std.

It turns out that at present only a few teachers are teaching children using Microsoft Teams. From here on out, you are expected to conduct a virtual class through Microsoft Teams, using adequate IT materials available at the school and, if necessary, teachers using their own devices such as mobiles, tablets, laptops, etc. You are also expected to join certain categories from the district level.

Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – Secondary and Higher Secondary Teacher Recruitment List of District wise and School wise vacancies announced.




🔹Government Higher Secondary School

State vacant post : Download

District wise vacant post : Download

School wise vacant post : Download



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