Gujarat Public Service Commission Sector – 10 A, Near “Chha-3” Circle, “Chha” Road, Gandhinagar-382010 Phone No.- (079) 23258980 

Online applications for selection of Gujarat Administrative Service Class-1, Gujarat Civil Service Class-1 and Class-2 and Gujarat Nagarpalika Chief Officer Service Class-2 for a total of 209 candidates. 

For this a joint competitive examination will be conducted for the selection process of the candidate  Note 🙁 1) Preliminary examination of 2 competitive examinations of this place is probably 21/03/2021.
  Will be held on.  (2) The result of the pulmonary examination will probably be published in May-2021, (3) The main written examination will probably be held on 04/07/2021, 11/07/2021, and 18/07/2021.  (3) The result of the main written examination will probably be published in October-2021, (5) Face-to-face interview will probably be held in November-2021.
  Intellectual space reserved seats for women |  Total vacancies Padi Total non-heroic non-nominal enu.  Mariuk space name spaces |  Reserved.  W.  Respectfully yours,  .  Tribe Class-1 Gujarat Administrative Service, Junior Hell Fifty-two Octor / Deputy District Development Officer |  Fifty two Police District / Naval Registrar Sub State Vena Commissioner Deputy Director
 Class-2 Page Officer (Secretariat) Officer (Legislative) Assistant District Jari State Tax Officer Jigna Minrikshak, Govt.  Level 40% to 75%) and 1 seat is reserved for candidates with mobility impairment, 2) 01 seat for disabled candidates in Assistant State Dark Commissioner Class-1 cadre 01 seat for candidates with disabilities (B LV 30% to 100%)  Is reserved.  2) 01 reserved seat for disabled candidates in Assistant District Jartrar, Class-3 cadre is reserved for disabled candidates with defect of defect (HH – 8096 to 100%).  2) Out of the only vacancies for candidates with disabilities in the category of State Tax Officer Class-II, 01 vacancy for candidates with disabilities (HH- 50% to 100%) and 01 vacancy for candidates with disabilities (B – LV 50% to 100%)  Reserved for 1.  For Candidates with Physical Disability (1) Out of the above vacancies, only those candidates with physical disability as mentioned below are eligible to apply;  Name of the place Blindness Low seizure Deformity of movement
.  Application forms: (1) Non-reserved category candidates who pay a fee of Rs.  If you pay 100+ portal charges and on-line fee, you will have to pay 3. 100 + 5 years charge fee.  Candidates in the reserved category (economically weaker sections, socially and educationally backward classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes) and physically challenged candidates and ex-servicemen are exempted from paying fees so that they do not have to pay any fees.  (2) Candidates of reserved category will not have to pay application fee if they apply for non-reserved seats.  3) Such candidates will be able to apply for non-reserved seats where the reserved seats are not indicated in the advertisement for reserved level candidates and non-reserved standards will be applicable to them.  (2) Even if there are no reserved seats for women candidates in the advertisement which women candidates can do in that category, (3) Out of the total seats reserved in the advertisement for women candidates, some reserved seats for women candidates will remain vacant  The vacancies are not to be considered as reserved only for male candidates, these vacancies may be considered for selection of 54 male as well as female candidates, male as well as female candidates may apply.  (2) Even if there are reserved seats for female candidates in the advertisement, only male candidates can apply in that category as if female candidates are not available, then male candidates can be considered for these posts.  But the seats which are reserved for women candidates only and the number of women candidates in those seats will be the first to be considered and the same number of male candidates will be considered if no female candidate is selected or less female candidate is selected.  .  (2) Candidates who have been declared provisionally successful for the main (written) examination on the basis of the result of the preliminary test, re-filled the online form for the main (written) examination, scanned the required certificates / documents and visited the Commission’s website https: // gpsc must be uploaded online.  .  .  Date of birth: (1) Commission for proof of date of birth.  S.  C.  E.  SSCE issued by the Board.  Certificate valid only.  However, if the candidate considers the date of deposit given in this certificate to be incorrect, he / she should send a certified copy of the age and authority certificates given by the competent authority.  In this certificate, the blind officer should clearly state that they have S.C.  The original certificate of S, C, K examination is Taparol and based on the evidence presented before him, the correct date of birth of the candidate is ………….. which is S.S.C.  That its equivalent is different from the date of date mentioned in the examination certificate and there is reason to believe.  The Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the candidate’s age and domicile certificate based on his / her credibility.  (2) Candidate may not be manipulated for any reason later than the date mentioned in the application form.  .  Age Limit: (1) The age mentioned in the advertisement will be considered on the last date of acceptance of the application.  (3) On the last date of acceptance of application, the candidate should have completed 30 years and not more than 5 years.  (3) The following concessions are available in the upper age limit mentioned in the advertisement.  1 Scheduled Caste of Scheduled Caste of Gujarat, Scheduled Five years (maximum of 3 years limit) Public, Socially and Educationally Backward Class and Economically Weaker Class Candidates
R Scheduled Caste of Native Gujarat, Scheduled Ten Years (This concession includes concessions for women who are caste, socially and educationally backward for five years, maximum class and economically weaker women will get concessions within 3 years.  Candidates Non-Reserved (General) Women Candidates 5 years (maximum 3 years limit) 3 X 9 Ex-Servicemen, E.C.O.  In addition to the service rendered in the SCO Comprehensive Defense Service (minimum candidates five years of conservation service), another three years Candidates with physical disability for ten years (up to a maximum of 5 years) Employees of Gujarat Government: Gujarat Civil  |  In the age limit to the employees of Gujarat Government  Service and Class 5 and Recruitment (General) No concessions are available.  Employees who have been working in Gujarat Government for six consecutive months on permanent or temporary basis as per the provisions of Rules, 1CL and their first appointment has been made within the age limit indicated in the advertisement space.  Eligibility: (1) Candidate for the examination should be a student of any university established under the Act of Parliament or State Legislative Assembly of India or an educational institution established by the Air of Parliament or UGC.  Under Section-4 of Act-13, Un.  Must have the degree of Natak or equivalent qualification of another educational institution established as (2) Candidates who have completed 60 years of age by the last date of acceptance of application and have appeared or will appear in the examination of last semester / year of the degree of prescribed qualification but whose result has been published.  Candidates who are not eligible will be able to apply for the Preliminary Examination, but they must have obtained the degree of educational qualification as indicated in the advertisement by the last date of applying for the Main Examination.  Candidate who has done MBBS.  Candidates who have appeared in the degree examination of any other medical branch and whose result is yet to be declared may also fill up the application form for the preliminary examination.  However, candidates who have been declared eligible by the Commission for the main examination are required to send proof of passing the degree examination along with the application form for the main examination.  (3) Candidates who are able to present proof of passing the degree examination will not be considered eligible for admission in the main examination.  () Candidates who have passed the examination of MBBS or any other medical branch and have not completed the internship at the time of filling up the application form for the main examination, such candidates should apply to the Uni.  Or they have to submit the certificate of the concerned officer of the institute that they have passed the medical examination and they will be given conditional admission in the main examination. But such candidates have fulfilled all the requirements (internship) to get the original degree certificate or Uni, or the concerned officer of the institute.  Including) Candidate has to submit a certificate of completion.  .  Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Classes: Only candidates from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Classes originally from Gujarat will benefit as reserved class candidates.
(3) Accurately measure the details of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Classes in the application form, (3)  As the claim for the benefit of the benefit will not be valid, the candidate seeking the benefit of the reserved class will have to enclose a copy of the certificate in the prescribed form by the competent blacksmith in his support.  If a copy of the caste certificate is not included with the application form, it will not be accepted later and the application form will be eligible.  (2) The benefit of reservation for socially and educationally backward class candidates will be available only if they are included in “advanced class” only, () (a) Socially regarding socially and educationally backward class candidates not being included in advanced class  Date of the Department of Justice and Darkness: Certificate as per Appendix-A of the prescribed Gujarati sample or as per the newly prescribed Gujarati sample ‘Appendix-2’ prescribed from the date of 08/6/18.  (1) (b) The maximum validity of the ‘Certificate not to be included in the Advanced Class’ as per Resolution No. SASHP / 19018/4 / A dated 3/09/2017 of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment – three years including three  Will be for the financial year, but such certificate must be issued by the last date of online application for the relevant advertisement.  This certificate will only be valid if it has been issued during this period, otherwise it will not be valid.  (1) (d) Married women candidates shall submit such certificate in respect of income of their parents.  If such candidates have submitted in respect of their husband’s income, their application will be rejected.  (1) (d) The same copy of the details of ‘Certificate of Inclusion in Advanced Class’ mentioned by the candidate while applying online should be attached with 2G.  Even if the candidate gets a new certificate after the last date of advertisement due to an error in such certificate, the certificate mentioned in the online application will be valid for passing as a socially and educationally backward class candidate.  (3) (e) Criteria for issuing certificate of non-inclusion in advanced class are taken into consideration, the period of certification is now three years.  However, in case of any change in any of the above criteria, the candidate and his / her parents / guardians will have to inform the Gujarat Public Service Commission if there is any change in the certificate.  If the candidate / parent / guardian does not hide any details without making such announcement, they will be liable for legal action and the benefit of the reservation obtained by them will be eligible.  It will be the responsibility of the candidate / parents / guardians individually and jointly to voluntarily declare a change in any of the criteria for obtaining a certificate of inclusion in the Advanced Class.  (3) Candidates from economically weaker sections should apply to the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of the State Government.  Applying online for the number and date of certificate for the economically weaker sections obtained in the prescribed form (Annexure KH in English or Appendix-C in Gujarati) from Resolution No. 3/1/2018/207/5 dated 3/01/2018.  Time will tell.  This eligibility certificate should be issued by the last date of online application for the addressed advertisement.  This certificate will be valid only if it is issued during this period, otherwise it will not be valid.  As per the existing provision of SACA, if the candidates in the reserved category are selected on the basis of their merits with the non-reserved category candidates, except for concessions in other areas which have been extended beyond the prescribed standards (i.e. age limit, qualification of experience, adopted for non-all category candidates).  (2) Candidate’s request for later withdrawal will not be accepted in the details given by the candidate regarding the victory in the application. A candidate has submitted a certificate of prescribed specimen issued during the prescribed period.  If yes, their application will be considered invalid and they will also be considered against unreserved space.


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