SSC(Staff Selection Commission) published an official notification for recruitment of Jr. Engineer ( Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying And Contracts) Post

 SSC(Staff Selection Commission) published an official notification for recruitment of Jr.  Engineer ( Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying And Contracts) Post

SSC(Staff Selection Commission) published an official notification for recruitment of Jr.  Engineer ( Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying And Contracts) Post


Submission of online applications: 01.10.2020 to 30.10.2020 Last date and time for receipt of applications: 30.10.2020 (23:30)  for making online fee payment: 01.11.2020 (23:30) Last date and time for generation of offline Challan: 03.11.2020 (23:30) Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 05.11.2020 Date  of Computer Based Examination (Paper – I): 22.03.2021 to 25.03.2021 Date of Paper – II (Conventional): To be notified later “GOVERNMENT STRIVES TO HAVE A WORKFORCE WHICH REFLECTS  .No. 3/7/2020 – P&P – II: Staff Selection Commission will hold an open competitive Examination for recruitment of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) for various Ministries / Departments / Organizations in  the Governm  ent of India.  The posts are Group ‘B’ (Non – Gazetted), in Level – 6 (Rs 35400 112400 / -) of pay matrix of 7th Central Pay Commission.  2. Detail of Posts: Following are the likely posts that will be filled up through this examination:

3.  Vacancies: Vacancies will be determined in due course.  Updated vacancy position will be uploaded on the website of the Commission (> Candidate’s Corner> Tentative Vacancy).  4.  Reservation and suitability of posts for Persons with Disabilities: 4.1 Reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) / Other Backward Classes (OBC) / Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) etc would be as determined  and communicated by the Indenting Ministries / Departments / Organizations, as per extant Government Orders.  4.2 The Commission makes selection of candidates in pursuant to the vacancies reported by the concerned User Departments for various posts.  The Commission does not have any role in deciding the number of vacancies of any User Department.  Implementation of reservation policy, maintaining reservation roster and earmarking of vacancies for different categories comes under the domain of the User Departments.  4.3 Junior Engineer being a Group ‘B’ post, there is no reservation for Ex – Servicemen (ESM) category.  However, benefit of age – relaxation will be admissible to ESM candidates, as per extant Govt.  Orders.  4.4 Except for BRO, the posts have been identified suitable for the persons suffering from disabilities of forty percent (40%) and above for One Arm affected (OA), One Leg affected (OL) and Hearing Handicapped (HH) candidates as per guidelines  of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.  The posts are not identified suitable for VH persons.  4.5 As the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 has come into force with effect from 19.04.2017 and new categories of disabilities such as Autism, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims, Muscular Dystrophy, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness and  Multiple Disabilities, etc have been included in the list of disabilities eligible for reservation.  Therefore, the candidates with such disabilities may also apply giving details of their disabilities in the online Application Form.  However, their selection will be subject to identification of posts suitable for these categories as well as reporting of vacancies by the Indenting Ministries / Departments.  Candidates suffering from various disabilities as identified vide DoP & T OM No: 36035/02/2017 – Estt (Res) dated 15.01.2018 (para – 2.2) may select following PwD categories in the online Registration / Application Form.


4.6.  Requirement of Physical Standard, Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards for the posts of Junior Engineers in BRO is available at Annexure – XV.  Candidates may ensure that they fulfill all the required standards before opting for the post of Junior Engineers in BRO.  Posts once allocated as per merit – cum – preference given by the candidates will not be changed subsequently due to failure of the candidates to qualify in these Standards.  4.7 Only male candidates are eligible for the posts of Junior Engineers in the Border Roads Organization (BRO).  5 Nationality / citizenship: 5.1 A candidate must be either: (a) a citizen of India, or (b) a subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India  before the 1 “January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly  Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently setting in India.  person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India 5.3 A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has  been issued  to him / her by the Government of India.  6 Age Limit as on 01.01.2021: 6.1 Age limit for the posts of Junior Engineers in various Ministries / Departments / Organizations as on 01.01.2021 is as under:


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No of Post

Age Limit


Education Qualification

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