NISHTHA for Primary Teachers Matters involving teachers in teacher training

 NISHTHA for Primary Teachers Matters involving teachers in teacher training

National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement(NISHTHA) Online Training Full Detail For Gujarat Primary Teacher

Last year NISHTHA training was conducted all over the state of Gujarat.  In which 89297 primary school teachers were trained from face to face mode.  Due to the epidemic of covid-19, this year the training will be conducted through online mode through the NISHTHA course on the initiation platform.  To connect primary teachers (including Government Granted, KGBV, Ashram School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School and Sainik School) through Nishtha on Diksha course for primary school teachers who did not take Nishtha training last year.  Happens.  This training is going to start from 5th October 2020 in Gujarat.  The district level has made necessary arrangements for the completion of all 18 courses of NISHTHA training for the remaining primary teachers (Government, Granted, KGBV, Ashram School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School and Sainik School) and its proper implementation.  Necessary planning will have to be done to make arrangements.


18 Module (Course)

1. Curriculum and inclusive classrooms

 2. Development of social and personal qualities and creation of safe and healthy school environment

 3. Health and well-being in school

 4. Inclusion of caste education in the study teaching process

 5. Integration of ICT in study, teaching and evaluation

 6. Art integrated teaching

 7. School based evaluation

 8. Methodology of the environment

 9. Methodology of Mathematics

 10. Methodology of social sciences

 11. Methodology of languages

 12. Methodology of science

 13. School leadership

 14. Initiatives in school education

 15. Pre-primary education

 16. Pre-vocational education

 17. Challenges of school education in the situation of covid-19

 18.CSA, and POSCO

 Teachers who have not taken NISHTHA training last year will have to join 18 NISHTHA courses through  Scanning the QR code given next to the video explaining how to login to the Nistha On Diksha course as well as filling out the self declaration form can be seen.  To join the teacher training, the self declaration form has to be filled on the NISHTHA portal by 4-10-2020 and the teacher code and school u dice code must be filled in it.  Primary teachers who are left behind in NISHTHA training have to attend the online training school through 18 courses.  In which he has to personally join all the 18 courses.  Whose time sheet is as follows.

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NISHTHA Online Training Time Table

 Modules 1 to 3 (October 5-10)

 Modules 3 to 6 (October 12-17)

 Modules 7 to 9 (October 19-24)

 Modules 10 to 12 (October 26-31)

 Modules 13 to 15 (November 2-7)

 Module 16 (November 189-11)

 Repeat of all 18 courses (if required) (December 2020)

 3 courses will start from the first date of the given course period.  In this course, the teacher will login to the initiation platform and go to the course tab.  To join this course the teacher has to click on Join course.

 During this training, explanation of video materials and other literature given in each module in Gujarati language will be given through BISAG in which the trainee teacher has to join.  The details of which are as follows.  BISAG broadcast can also be seen in Vande Gujarat Channel-1 and Geo mobile app.

During this training, the teacher can check his / her CRC for joining the training as well as for educational questions or difficulties.  The coordinator should be contacted.  The certificate of completion of NISHTHA training after completion of online course module training for each teacher can be downloaded from the profile page by logging in to the initiation platform within 7 to 15 days after completion of the training.  Each teacher will have to prepare a course wise report (module wise total 18) on how to apply the things learned in the training in the classroom and submit it to the CRC coordinator in the period of homework.  The CRC Coordinator has to prepare the register for the report submitted by the teacher coursewise (module wise total 18) as per the form given below and submit it to the BRC Coordinator by 25th November 2020.


Matter of providing technical support under NISHTHA on DIKSHA training program

 NISHTHA training for teachers under PAB 2020-21 has been approved by the MHRD Department, Government of India.  The training is also being organized by NCERT, New Delhi under the DIKSHA online platform.  NISHTHA training will be organized by GCERT in Gujarat.  This will be done online from the first week of October on the DIKSHA ( platform.  In which NISHTHA trainees are government, subsidized, KGBV.  , Ashram School (Tribal & Social Welfare Department Schools), Administered by Central Government (Central Schools, Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalay, Railway Schools, Sainik Schools) Primary School Teachers  The course must be JOINed.  Also, every teacher who takes training within the time limit of the course will have to complete the course and get a certificate.  In this regard, the District Primary Education Officer and the District Project Coordinator have been appointed as Assistant District Coordinator (TT / QEM) at the district level as well as District MIS.  Co-ordinator, BRC at taluka level  As well as block MIS.  Co-ordinator and CRC from cluster level.  The co-ordinator as well as the two technosavvy teachers will be responsible for NISHTHA on DIKSHA online training.  / To be given to CRC.

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Work to be done at district / block / cluster level under NISHTHA training

 Every trainee teacher is required to fill up a self declaration form before joining the training in which each trainee teacher in the Enter ID as requested by your State / Board / organization column is required to enter his / her Teacher ID and School UDISE ID / Organization ID in the school dice code (11 digits).  Will have to put.  The video for registration on the DIKSHA portal can be seen by scanning the QR Code given next to it.  (Whose leak is as follows. Https:// From the online platform DIKSHA ( as per the timetable mentioned in the letter of reference GCERT  Each teacher is asked to give the necessary instruction from your class to JOIN the course by clicking on JOIN course.

 Every teacher trained from district / block level should bring a solution if there is any problem in logging on to DIKSHA online website.  To plan that every cell leak reaches every teacher trained from district / block / cluster level.

 C.R.C.  Instruct to form WhatsApp / Telegram group at block and district level.  For which the following arrangements should be made.

 Creation of WhatsApp, Telegram Group by CRC Coordinator at CRC level in which all the beneficiary teachers of CRC (including Government, Granted, KGBV, Ashram School)  (Tribal & Social Welfare Department Schools), Central Governments (Central Schools, Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalay, Railway Schools, Sainik Schools)) and their questions during the course.  Preventing from the level.  If the C.R.C.  If it is not possible to solve the questions from the level, these questions can be sent to BRC.  To send at the level.  Creation of WhatsApp, Telegram Group by BRC Coordinator at BRC level in which all CRCs of the taluka.  As well as trained KRPs of the taluka.  / SRP  Also include BRC and their questions during the course.  Preventing from the level.  If the B.R.C.  If it is not possible to resolve the issues from the level, to send these questions to the district level.  To create WhatsApp, Telegram group through district MIS at district level in which all BRCs of the district.  / Inclusion of Diet Lecturers and redressal of their queries from the district level during the course.  If the B.R.C.  If it is not possible to resolve the questions from the level, send these questions to the state level by sending an e-mail to  Formation of WhatsApp, Telegram Group by District State MIS Officer at State level in which MISs involved in loyalty training of the State.  And involving GCERT faculties and resolving their queries at the state level during the course.  Course leaks will also be sent to every trainee teacher through the workplace so that every trainee teacher will be updated from time to time in the workplace at the district / block / cluster level.  The lecturer will have to send the report of total teachers who have completed the district wise and coursewise loyalty training as per the following sample to GCERT and its office at

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