Std 6 To 8 Ganit Online Talim Mudda Date 24/8/20

 Std 6 To 8 Ganit Online Talim Mudda Date 24/8/20 

Std 6 To 8 Ganit Online Talim Mudda Date 24/8/20

Math training

Hon’ble Director Mr. Joshi Saheb

Main points

Matters of teachers’ overview

 NCF 2005 Main Issues

Efforts are being made to bring Gujarat ahead in education through various examinations

 Focus on first subject matter understanding and concept clearing

 Examples and exercises intended for children to do themselves

Talk under the NCF and the new national education policy

Removing the gokhanpatti, emphasizing on making children the creators of knowledge

For teachers, work by checking foreknowledge (strengthening the primary foundation if needed)

Clear the concept

Make a list of the various activities that can be done at home, and guide the children

Insist on active learning and learning using the best tools at home

Guidance on the above matter by phone or other contact

Covid 19 has given children an invaluable opportunity to turn to self-study …

Home Learning Material will change in the near future.

 The next test will come accordingly

 message of good wishes

Std 6 To 8 Ganit Online Talim Mudda Date 24/8/20 


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