Gujarati calendar 2020 download application

Gujarati calendar 2020 download


Gujarati calendar 2020 download  application

Gujarati Calendar is offline calendar and free calendar app for all gujarati speaking people across the globe. Free calendar almanac app for Gujarati people (Also known as Gujarat calendar 2020). Gujarati calendar apps is highly useful to know festivals, holidays, Shubh Muhurat & Gujarati panchang 2020 information
Latest Gujarati calendar 2020 download Gujarati Calendar 2020 – Top & Best 2020 calendar for Gujarati speaking people across the globe. Free calendar 2020 almanac app is an offline calendar. This app is highly recommended for people from Gujarath and all over the world and for Gujarati panchang

Gujarati Calendar Summary of app: ✦ Calendar images (From January 2020 – December 2020)
✦ Sunrise and Sunset timings
✦ Festivals 2020
✦ Holidays 2020
✦ Shub Muhurt dates of 2020 (Marriage dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase details, Namakaran dates)
✦ Nakshatra and Rasi details
✦ Fasting days in every month
✦ Government Holidays of 2020
✦ Gujarati Panchanga and Gujarati Horoscope details
✦ Gujarati Astrology info or Gujarati astrology details
✦ Share the gujarati astrology 2020 / gujarati rashifal across your friends and family

Gujarati Calendar 2020 App Flow: * Simple UI/UX and new material design
* Buttons: Calendar, Holidays, Shub Muhurt
* Buttons: Daily Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope and Yearly Horoscope
(Holidays button has Holiday list 2020 and Festival list 2020)
(Shub Muhurt button has Marriage dates / wedding dates, Namakaran dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase dates)
(Horoscope button has all rashifala horoscope in gujarati.

Gujarati Calendar App Features: ✔ Full Gujarati detailed calendar
✔ Shubh Muhurt details (Marriage dates, Vehicle Purchase, Namakaran, Grih Pravesh)
✔ Gujarati Calendar 2020 has Masa, Saptāha, Tārīkha, Tithi, Nakshatra, Amavshya, Purnima, Rahukal etc for 2020
✔ Zoom in / Zoom out the calendar
✔ Gujarati calendar for the year
✔ Gujarati calender almanac for 2020
✔ Hindu auspicious days like Amavasya, Rashifal, Choghadia,
Kundali, Muhurtas.
✔ Festival details
✔ Gujarati Panchang, Gujarati Kundli and Dindarshika
✔ Daily timings of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset
✔ Religious/Auspicious dates and details
✔ Quick details of Panchang, Tithi, Thoran, Jamrashi, Vrat katha, Nakshatra, Festivals, Holidays, Rashifal, Choghadia & Kundali
✔ Gujarati Rashi Bhavishya info such as Rashifal, Jamrashi, Vrat katha & Choghadia
✔ Panchak & Vinchhudo Details
✔ Best Gujarati calendar for 2020
✔ Best Hindu Calendar in Gujarati for 2020

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Festival in Gujarati Calendar 2020 Gujarati Calendar 2020 – This is the best gujarati calendar 2020. This free application includes Festivals, Holidays, Shub Muhurt ( Marriage dates, Vehicle purchase date, House warming / Griha pravesha dates). Also has details of each days like Masa, Saptāha and Tārīkha. App has panchak info such as Paksha Karan yoga Tithi Nakshatra Amavshya Rahukal Panchang & Kundali

Holiday in Gujarati Calendar 2020 2020 Gujarati Calendar: Lots of information at your finger tips such as Festivals and Panchang. Tithi & Thoran details are also displayed neatly in the app. App also has special features such as Jamrashi Vrat katha Rashifal Choghadia and Kundali

Gujarati Calendar (Panchang 2020): Gujarati Panchangam 2020 gives all the astrology and horoscope details. App also has Daily Panchang including the Nakshatra timings, tithi timings, Shubh Divas (auspicious days). Today tithi and Today panchang are the key features of the app. Its a hindu calendar 2020 with offline calendar which shows today’s Panchang in gujarati. Amavasya and Purnima panchang details are also available in the app

Important Link:
Click Here to Download

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